Chapter 9: Before Midnight

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Third POV

Package, stick, wrap, done. Package, stick, wrap, done. Over and over and over again. There's no end to it, at least that's what it feels like to Rob.

He's been working for the past four hours packaging packages at the local post office. It's honestly probably the most boring job that he has. He'd rather go and listen to his boss at his other job yell at him than do this.

It's currently seven pm, and it doesn't look like he'll be let off the hook anytime soon. His boss was sitting in the corner of the building, watching him like a hawk.

Rob sighed, ripping the packaging tape for what seems like the hundredth time, using it to tape close a gigantic box. There was currently no one else working this shift of the moment, so he had to take responsibility for helping customers and every other thing you could possibly do.

His hands were starting to grow tired as the minutes passed, his mind growing exhausted as well. He'd let his thoughts wander to Reese, praying that he'll be able to get home in time to spend her special day with her.

He heard a weird sound come from the corner of the room, causing him to snap his head up in the direction that it came from.

He almost threw his roll of tape across the room when he spotted his boss asleep on the stool next to the store entrance. He groaned, hating how he just gets to snooze while he has to do all the work.

"No wonder why this place has no customers." Rob mumbled, dropping the tape onto the table as he walked into the break room.

He situated himself down onto the itchy couch, taking out his phone and clicking the FaceTime button to FaceTime Sam and Reese.

The phone rang for a bit before someone picked up. Rob smiled widely when he saw his daughter smiling back at him, eyes widening when she realized that it was her dad.

"Hi daddy!" Reese cheered, smiling a blue smile.

Rob chuckled, "did you eat candy or something?"

Reese nodded excitedly, "Yeah! We went to the amusement park and Sam bought me a bunch of candy!"

Rob held back his annoyed dad side for the sake of his daughter. He's very strict on the sugar, but it's Reese's birthday so he's trying to let that slide without much thought.

"That's awesome baby. Have you had a fun day so far?" Rob questioned, causally leaning back on the sofa.

Reese shook the phone as she nodded, "Yes! But, it would be even more fun if you were here." She pouted, her bottom lip jutting out.

Rob laughed, "I'm sorry honey. I'll try to be home as soon as I can ok?"

"Ok. I got to go, Sammy and I are going to watch Finding Nemo now! I love you!" Reese shouted, kissing the phone, hanging up before Rob could respond.

Rob sighed, the hand holding his phone dropping down onto his leg. He tapped his foot, wondering if he should go back out there or stay in here for a little longer.

That thought was quickly interrupted when the break room door swung opened, revealing a very triggered and groggy boss.

"Why aren't you out there helping customers? There's a long line!" His boss exclaimed, causing Rob to get up reluctantly.

His eyes widened when he saw the seemingly never ending line of humans within the store, making his jaw drop. They all had to choose this day out of all days to do this to him huh?

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