A drunk one nighter

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It was after the store had just closed and I was walking the bar when everything fell into place. I walked into the bar and ordered my usual drink as Hisoka and Chrollo talked. It wasn't until I sent a drink over to Hisoka that my plan started. Hisoka studied me after sending him the drink, I was dressed more revealing than usual with a tight black dress that showed a lot. He seemed to think I was worth his time as he came over to me and ordered the same thing I sent him

"So you're the flower that sent me this present," he said sipping his drink

"Mm, I take that you like it?" I asked as I saw the drink gone and immediately replaced with another.

"Does this answer your questions?" he said before turning my face toward him and leaning in kissing me

'How strong is that? He's only had two?!' I thought as this couldn't be the drinks working this fast.

"Why the sudden interest? Was your friend boring you?" I asked seductively licking my lips

"Just his normal bantering about me. How I'm not interesting enough for him to challenge me" he stopped and creased my face with his long slender finger "Tonight I'll show him" he said moving his hand down my neck sending chills throughout my body

"Well let's get a few more drinks and see what happens then" I suggested as we kept ordering Hisoka got drunker. His speech though never wavered nor did his movements. If anything a drunk Hisoka is just more flirty and more pressing in what he wants. Not to mention the sexual mentions of certain things. 

Once I thought that Hisoka was drunk enough I suggested we got somewhere he agreed. We left the bar before Hisoka immediately pushed me against the wall next to the entrance and sloppily but hungrily kissed me. This sent my head wharling at what was happening. 

"Mm how about we take this further and get a hotel room?" I suggested seductively Hisoka smirked then gave me a kiss before we headed to the nearest hotel and getting a room, the best money could afford. Once we got through the door of the very expensive room, Hisoka pulled me in close and kissed me passionately while also stripping us both. Eventually, he pushed me down on the bed before climbing on top of me. Planting kisses and marks all over my body. This made moans come out of me adding more to Hisoka's confidence as he preceded to twirl his long fingers on the outside of my entrance sending me into a fit of moans. The smirk grew on his face as he continued until I started begging for him to get inside me but he didn't. He continued to tease me with kisses and bites on my neck while twirling his fingers at my entrance and further. Eventually, with enough moaning, he entered me only it wasn't what I wanted. I growled in protest

"Aw, what's wrong my little flower? Not getting enough pleasure?" he mocked with his I moaned out his name beautifully which caught him off guard. Taking the opportunity I switched our positions to that Hisoka was on the bottom while I was on top. Immediately I took his long and very hard length and inserted it into myself making both of us moan.

"Y-yes ooh~" Hisoka breathly moaned out with this I rocked my hips back and forth. This weakened Hisoka as he moaned for more and more. While riding I moaned out Hisoka's name like I did to catch him off guard and it only made Hisoka more turned on and making him release before I did too.

We both panted out before looking into each other's eyes. There seemed to be a flame of something within Hisoka's eyes but I couldn't make it out. Unknowingly Hisoka crashed his lips into mine as he hovered over me, kissing me as he moved back and forth entering and exiting me with his huge member. I moaned out his name several times each more seductive and pleading until we both released again. But this didn't stop us. We continued on a few more times before we both passed out on each other from exhaustion.

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