The aftermath

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The next morning I woke up with a headache and a pain in my lower parts. When I opened my eyes and looked around I was tangled up with Hisoka. His arms around me as he peacefully slept. Smiling at the sight I carefully and slowly got out of his grip and searched for my clothes. Once changed I left the room and headed back to my house to change for the day and take some medicine. I smiled as my plan had worked.

It was like a normal day like any at the store

'Well this is way different than last night' I thought as I counted the drawer of money for the night closing up the store. Tonight Yachi didn't want to go to the bar as she had sworn to give up partying and everything as it wasn't 'godly' in her parent's eyes. Not arguing I went back home. Last night's events flipped through my mind making me smile at what happened 'Seemed like the drinks did it. I didn't have to seduce him much' I thought as Hisoka was all on me after taking those drinks. 

It wasn't until a few weeks after the night that I decided to take the test. Even though I knew I was going to be positive I still wanted to make sure. After taking it and waiting for a few minutes it came up positive. My body seemed to be conflicted as it was happy but also shocked at us actually having a child within us. I looked down at my stomach

"I promise I will take care of you no matter what".

The first few months it was easy to keep the surprise hidden as I wasn't showing as much until the second and third trimester I was showing and had to come out to everyone. Immediately everyone thought I had been taken advantage of as though the thought of me actually wanting to be pregnant never came into their minds. 

'Well saying you willingly wanted to get pregnant with a person you only officially met once doesn't sound very sound does it?' so that's what I went with. I had a one night stand with a person when we were very drunk and just happen to be pregnant as a result of it. Surprisingly no one was really mad about it and encouraged me to be the best mother ever with them supporting me. 'They really are the best of friends ever'

Throughout the pregnancy, it got harder on me at the store until I had to only be at the register with everyone doing everything else. When the child was ready it was an exciting day.

I was home alone when my water broke which I called Yachi who was the aunt to the child and told her what was happening before heading over to the hospital where I gave birth to a boy after several hours of pushing. He had my green eyes, Hisoka's fuchsia hair with curls, and Hisoka's porcelain skin. He looked so similar to Hisoka in everything but his eyes.

"What are you going to name him?" Yachi asked looking lovingly at him in my arms. I had thought about several different names for him but I think I know which will fit him better 

"Hoshi, Hoshi is his name" I announced kissing the child's head while he yawned.

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