You're a dad!

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"Feeling better today?" Yachi asked as I was moving around happily throughout the store

"Yes sorry about yesterday" she played it off as nothing. Continuing to walk around the store

'Now all I need to do is confront him' that is going to be interesting. What do you say to the man, who you purposely got yourself pregnant for after three years?

"Hey, I'm that woman you had a one-night stand with three years ago, and here's your son" yeah because that will sound so nice. 


[Hisoka's POV]

Three years. It's been three years and I have yet to find her. That girl who made that wonderful noise that night. 

The morning after that night when Hisoka woke up he was puzzled to see the woman who was there gone without any way of contact. His was very fuzzy from that night as he had more than he had ever drunk that night. Even though he didn't know this woman's face, name, or number he knew one thing for sure. The way she moaned out his name was something he would never forget. And he never did. He tried searching for the woman but couldn't find her. It nearly sent him insane to where he lashed out on one of the other remembers to where Chrollo sent him to that tower to fight people for a while until he felt better. Fighting at the tower did take his mind off things that were until Gon and Killua were there and his pleasure for that woman came back at remembering her voice. He wishes he could see her again even just a glimpse of a sound from her will do it for him.


"Ok, I've planned it. It's a great plan. It has to work" I muttered to myself as I picked up Hoshi and headed to the house. I fixed dinner and after we ate I told Hoshi we were going on a mini-adventure which got him excited. Picking him up and leaving the house I walked to the ruins where they would be. 

It wasn't long before we arrived at the ruins as Hoshi was already asleep in my arms. Smiling down at the boy I kissed his head pushing some of his hair out of the way

'My baby boy' I thought as I arrived at the ruins 'This is it. It's now or never' I thought as I went inside as I walked my feet echoed through the empty building making sure that everyone heard me. I arrived at an archway where through it everyone was sitting there with Chrollo at the head. The tension when I stepped through was thick

"What's this?" I heard Chrollo mutter. Taking a deep breath I looked at all of them.

"I have something to say for Hisoka," I said loud even though Hisoka's eyes were dead set on me they seem to glim with curiosity when I said this. "This is your son" I announced holding Hoshi up a little this seems to surprise everyone, even more, Chrollo and Hisoka 

"I would say your lying but clearing that's his child" one of the members responded 

"I'm the woman you had a one night stand with. Though you probably don't remember since you were very drunk" I explained this seem to send everyone cracking on Hisoka as he never has gotten drunk.

"How do I know you're not lying hm?" Hisoka voiced I put down Hoshi careful not to wake him before looking back at Hisoka and moaning his name like I did that night. This sent chills through everyone as a look of shock was clearly written on their faces. Before anyone could take a step toward me Hisoka was already right in front of me and holding my face and looking between me and the child. As he looked at us there was something hidden in his eyes but I couldn't figure it out. Hisoka without saying anything walked away from us and right out a broken window that was closeby before running away. Seeing that I picked up Hoshi and walked out

"That's all," I said heading back to the house and putting Hoshi to bed. The next morning Hoshi must have forgotten about the adventure as he didn't ask about it before school even if he did I would have lied about where we went. The only reason I've looked for Hisoka for so long and wanted him to see Hoshi is I want him in both of our lives. Even though he is a killer and could easily kill us if he wanted I wanted to build something with him maybe make him less of a killer. The man didn't exactly have a good childhood. 

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