Who's my dad?

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[2 years later]

"Bye! See you tomorrow!" Hoshi called back as we left the school 

"School was good?" I asked 

"Mm" he nodded "Hey mom" 

"Yes hon" 

"Who's my real father. I know that dad is because you married him but who's my real one?" he asked as we walked inside the house.

"Why do you ask Hoshi?" this was a shock to hear even if I knew it was coming sooner or later

"It's just we were discussing families today in class and everyone was questioning me about my dad since I said I didn't know" 

"It would be better if we waited and talk about this when your dad gets home ok," I told Hoshi who reluctantly agreed before heading upstairs. Immediately I called Hisoka and told him to get home fast and that Hoshi was questioning his father. It didn't take long after that Hisoka showed up to see me pacing around with my hands running through my hair "I knew this was coming but I am not prepared for this" I told him continuing to mess up my hair. 

"Love," Hisoka said taking my hands and bring them down before kissing my head "Don't worry, we'll tell him" 

"I know that but how do we tell him. He's five, not exactly the age to be talked about that stuff" Hisoka laughed at this. I slapped his arm "Don't laugh at me" I pouted 

"Sorry love" he kissed me "So then what do we tell Hoshi?" he wondered I thought for a moment

"We could just say that we met each other one night and then you went away unknowing that I was pregnant only to find out years later" we agreed on that. Calling Hoshi down we all went into the living room and sat down "Hoshi I've told your dad what you were wondering about" 

"Yeah, that I wanted to know who my real dad is," he said we nodded 

"The truth is, Hisoka is your real dad" this seemed to confuse Hoshi "A long time ago I and your dad met one night. But then he had to go somewhere for a long time. While he was away I found out I was pregnant with you but I had no way to tell him. So that day when he first came to the house two years ago that's when he found out" I explained to him 

"Wait, so he's my real dad!" Hoshi exclaimed standing up and pointing we both nodded. That's when he ran over and jumped into Hisoka's lap hugging him tightly "Yay! I'm glad you're my real dad!" this made both us smile and I tear up as my heart swelled with so much happiness. 

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