Dinner Date

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It had been a couple of days after the park when Hisoka told me we were going on a date together. So after work, I went to pick up Hoshi and take him home where Yachi was there to babysit him for the night as we went out. I wore a nice dinner dress as Hisoka said we were going out to eat. When he came, he was looking so handsome with his suit and tie and his hair gelled down and back. 

"You ready?" he asked when the door opened I nodded before telling Yachi I was gone. The restaurant we were going to wasn't high class expensive but it was a nice sit-down restaurant. We were sat down at a table with a white table cloth over it. There were huge glass windows around looking outside as well as modern looking lights hanging around. 

"Wow, I've never been here before" I commented looking around 

"Chrollo went here one time for business and said the food was good" Hisoka mentioned 

"Speaking of him, I doubt you can talk about this but do you guys have any plans? Like stealing something or robbing someplace?" I asked 

"Not at the moment, Chrollo has said he has something but hasn't told us anything yet" Hisoka explained I nodded as I looked down at the menu deciding what to order. Soon our waiter came over and took our order. 

"So how did you find the Phantom Troupe because I know the only reason you're in there is to fight Chrollo" a face of impressment quickly faded from his face

"Life was getting stale" I smirked at this "What about you? What brought you here?" he asked 

'A portal in my computer' I ticked my tongue slightly 

"Let's just say I happen to fall upon this place" 


"You and Chrollo don't talk about your personal lives do you?" 

"Very rarely, recently he's mentioned something about seeing a certain person who I think is your friend, Yachi" 

"She did mention that they had been talking for a little while. But if he rarely brings it up she should be fine from any danger" Hisoka nodded in agreement

"You work at an antique store, don't you?" 

"Yeah, it's not a bad job. The owner is a very nice lady" our food came out. We continued to talk 

"Those years, after that night" Hisoka started "What were they like? I mean with the pregnancy and Hoshi" he carefully asked 

"With the pregnancy, it wasn't too bad. It was bad when I was showing and toward the end of it. You know the story I had to tell people was that I just happen to get pregnant after a one night stand and not that I planned" Hisoka seemed to be struggling with something as he looked down at his plate 

"If I had known, I swear I would have been there with you. With the pregnancy and with raising him. I would have helped" he lowered his voice "If only I had known" 

'Hisoka' I reached over and placed my hand over his. He looked up, regret and sadness was written in his eyes

"Hisoka, don't blame yourself. I've told you before, I'm the one who should be blamed. I'm the one who planned this, I'm the one who left the morning after" his hand gently took mine intertwining them 

"But still, I should have been there. And I wasn't" 

"You didn't know. You didn't even remember anything about me but that one phrase" this made him break a smile and chuckle 

"It was a wonderful phrase" it wasn't long after that we finished our meal and left the place. While walking down the street we came across this opening that looked over some trees with the sun setting behind them

"Oh wow," I said stopping and staring at the view. The sun was going down behind the trees making them dark while the sky was a mixture of colors. Oranges, yellows, pinks all going across the sky creating the perfect painting of the sky. 

While standing there in awe I felt two strong arms slip around my waist as a head on top of mine. I leaned into the arms and put my arms over the others. 


As the two stood there admiring the sunset, two emotions flowed through them. Victoria was in awe at the sunset and absolutely in love with Hisoka at the money and just being this close to him. While Hisoka was solely focused on Victoria in his arms. Although he absolutely loved being this close to her, he couldn't help but struggle to not ruin the moment with the thoughts that floated around in his head. 


After the sun had set we both headed off back toward the house. 

"This was nice" I commented as we arrived at the door 

"Another time them?" he asked I nodded with a smirk he kissed my hand before heading off. 

I went inside to see Yachi on the couch watching tv 

"Hoshi asleep?" I asked she looked at me surprised then nodded "Great" I smiled before sitting beside her and telling her every single detail bout the date.

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