They're back

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"Hoshi, come on you don't want to miss your first day of school do you?" I asked as the small fuchsia haired boy came down the stairs in his uniform and his bag in hand

"Mommy, I don't want to go! I don't want mommy to leave me!" He yelled throwing a temper tantrum right there at the stairs. 

"Hoshi, you'll see mommy again. I'm going to come back and pick you up after the day is over" this didn't help the situation as he only cried louder "I'll get you ice cream after if you stop crying" his cries died down until they stopped 

"Promise" he pleaded with his eyes I nodded in agreement. This made him feel better as we headed out. 

It's been three years since Hoshi was born and it's been a rollercoaster. He was an interesting child as he has gained my personality and like for food but Hisoka's temper as well which made things interesting. 

'At least he doesn't seem to have the desire to murder things which is good' I thought as I dropped him off for his first day of kindergarten. After that night with Hisoka, it seemed that he went completely off the radar. All those years, I've been looking out for any murders or mention of the Spiders but nothing. I even visited the bar a few weeks after Hoshi was bored but didn't see Chrollo or Hisoka anywhere in there. I tried again a few weeks back but didn't see anything either. It's made me wonder what happened. 

'Does Hisoka regret that night? Does he think I ditched him? Hell does he even remember me?' the number of drinks in him that night was insane as any normal person would have alcohol poisoning. And if he was looking for me he should have found me by now. There are not that many women that look like me or are even attractively like me. And I know, I've looked. 

"Hey Victoria" 

"Hey Yachi," I said as I clocked in and started working. Over the past three years, we've gotten more and more customers to our store and also more help as we now have two more people working. Yuki and Haru who were both freshmen in college that were working here until they went back to school in a few months. And with making more money from the store I was able to buy a bigger house for Hoshi and me in a nice neighborhood.

During my shift at the store, someone walked in 

"Welcome" my tongue froze as the man, wearing a suit, who just walked in walked up to the counter 

"Oh yes, do you guys happen to have these by any chance?" he held up a small flask of certain spices

"Yes, there are over there" I pointed he looked over

"Oh thanks" he thanked walking over and searching through them. I sat down as my heart started to race 

'Th-they're still here?!' I thought as Chrollo was standing in the store. Yachi came out from the back 

"Oh Chrollo, hey" she greeted Chrollo turned and waved giving a smile 

"Morning Yachi, how are you this morning?" he asked they made small talk as Chrollo continued to shop for the certain items he was looking for. I was trapped in my mind until the sound of items clacking snapped me out 

"Is she alright?" he asked looking at me. I looked at Yachi before heading to the back while she took over and gave him a small excuse why I was like this. It wasn't until after he left that my mind seemed to come down from the cloud 9 it was on. 

"Oh, what was that? You acted like you just saw a ghost. Are you alright?" Yachi came back and asked I shook my head 

"Yeah I fine, it's just--" there was no way I could tell her 

"Wait don't tell me that was--" she pointed and looked back at me 

"No, it's not him" 

"Good because it would be really awkward if it was" 

"Why do you say that?" she preceded to tell me that she has been seeing Chrollo for the past couple of months through a random encounter with each other they had at someplace. 

'That's interesting' I thought as we both went back to work.


When the afternoon hit I clocked out for the day and headed over to the school to pick up Hoshi who was waiting with all the children. When I arrived Hoshi raced to me and hugged me telling me he's missed me but that he had so much fun at school. I laughed as I went to get us ice cream as I promise. 

When we got home I made dinner for the two of us before putting Hoshi to bed. It's a good thing he goes to sleep very easily meaning I could go out without waking him up. Getting changed into all black I left the house and headed to where I remembered that the Spiders met. Going through the recked city alone I watched out to not get jumped by any of them until I arrived at the building. Sneaking around I looked inside and saw that they were all in them. Every Spider. Then there was Hisoka. Sitting on a piece of rubble while shuffling his cards with that devilish smirk on his lips. It wasn't until Chrollo entered the place and started talking that everything started to unfold. 

Chrollo talked about how they went under the radar for sometime after an apparent incident and with Hisoka being sent away.

'Explains a lot' some of the members had traveled and fought somewhere else while Hosoka was in the tower where they fought people and Chrollo was just hanging around from town to town. Not needing to know any more I slipped out unnoticed and back to the house. 

'So he didn't forget about me. He was just away somewhere else' I thought as my stomach did a happy flip as there was still a chance. 

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