Hoshi kidnapped

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Although Hisoka tries to keep his personal and business life separated that doesn't always happen. Sometimes one slips into the other causing chaos that ends with death. While Hisoka spent his time around Victoria and Hoshi he had been dealing with a group of people who hated him and would want to ruin his life just as he did theirs. Unfortunately, that meant getting the people he cared for caught in the crossfire of his dealings. 


"Bye Yachi, see ya tomorrow!" I called out as I clocked out and headed toward Hoshi's school to pick him up. When I got there, I noticed that Hoshi wasn't standing out with the other children like usual 

'Maybe he's just inside playing' 

"Good afternoon Mrs. Reed" 

"Oh, good afternoon Miss. Sage, what are you doing here?" she asked a complex look upon her face 

"Picking up Hoshi, is he inside?" I asked a trigger seem to go off in her

"Hoshi's been picked up already. A nice man came and got him, he claimed to know you and Hisoka" this sent an unsettling feeling through me

"Oh I must have forgotten about that," I said trying to play it off "Do you mind telling me what he looked like?"

"Oh yeah, um let's see, he was tall and very built. Scars on his arm and one down his neck, a thing mustache" as she continued to ramble on about this man it seemed that they fit certain people from the Phantom Troupe

'They wouldn't do that, would they?' they were killers 

"Thanks, Mrs. Reed, you have a nice day," I said walking away while calling Chrollo

"Hello Vic--" 

"Chrollo, I want you to call an emergency meeting right now" I demanded there was a pause of silence on the other end 


"Chrollo, shut up, and do it or else!" I yelled ending the call and heading toward the place. 


The atmosphere inside the place was intense. 

"Which one of you did it?" I growled entering the place. Everyone's head turned with an expression change 

"Victoria, what's wrong?" Chrollo asked 

"Someone took Hoshi and from the description, they seemed to fit one feature each one of you has here" this caused a mix of curiosity and more intenseness to be added to the air


"What gain would we get from that?" 

"What we do with each other is strictly business, nothing more" 

"Just making sure" I held up a piece of paper "I found this on the way over here. It's addressed to you, Hisoka" without hesitation Hisoka took the paper and opened it.  Throughout this time his face had been calm but reading that paper set something off in him. His bloodlust was released mixed with anger making us tense up too. When he was done he passed it to me, I read it out loud

'Dear Hisoka,

You should have thought twice about messing with us. Now it's our time to get you back. You've may notice that we took that lovely son of the woman you've been seeing. We've been scouting you for months now. 

If you want to save him come to this address alone. 

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