Chapter Eighteen

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Mia rolled over and let her arm snake around Derek's naked waist. She pressed her chest up against his strong back and nuzzled her face into the crook of his neck placing a feather light kiss. She felt his big hand envelope hers and rub the rock that he had placed there the night before.

They had no words for each other right now. They could say everything they needed with a touch. He began to stir as he felt her arm kisses on his neck. Slowly turning his body round to face her, he couuldn't stop the huge grin creep across his face as his eyes met hers and he could see exactly what she had in mind for him. His hands stroked her skin from the nape of her neck right down to the tops of her thighs as he kissed her full lips and they went on to pick up from where they had left off the night before.

The first words they spoke that morning was sometime later, both still slightly breathless, both staring up at their bedroom ceiling.

"So, good morning the future Mrs Jackson." Derek whispered, his voice still slightly gruff.

"Mrs Jackson eh?" Mia giggled.

He turned to look at her with a half frown, half smirk, "Yeah, Mrs Jackson. You're not one of these who wants to keep their name are you?"

She snapped her head round to look at him, "One of these?" He smiled as he watched her lips curl at each side. "Ok, ok, I'll be Mrs Jackson." She said sarcastically as if doing him a favour.

returning his gaze back to the ceiling he muttered, "Good' under his breath.



"Last night you said you hadn't planned to propose that way. How did you plan it ?"

Derek laughed... "I was going to whisk you away for a dirty weekend as Staceey put it."

"She knew?"

"Yeah, only her though. Lord knows how she managed to keep it from JJ and you for that matter."

"I'll kill her when I see her." Mia giggled. After a few seconds of silence allowing Mia to think, she turned and propped herself up on one elbow so she could see him properly. "So how come we didn't get this dirty weekend then?"

"You want one?" He said raising his eyebrows at her.

"Well, yeah, but you're avoiding the question. What changed?"

Derek avoided her stare taking a deep breath and looking back up to the ceiling. He knew she knew something was up and he didn't want to lie to her.

"Derek? You're scaring me. What's wrong?"

Placing one of his hands behind her head, stoking her hair, he looked deep into her eyes, "Hey, nothing's wrong. I promise you. Things couldn't be more perfect right now."

"So what's going on then?"

"Ok. Yesterday when you were getting ready..." His sentence was interrupted by the all too familiar ring tone of his phone. "Oh jeez you're kidding me." Derek huffed as he rolled over to see Dickson's name flashing on the screen. "Hey Staceey. Please tell me you're ringing to say congratulations for the hundredth time."

"Sorry Derek. Time to put your Unit Chief head on. Breifing in half an hour."

"Half an hour? I'm still in bed!"

"Well I'm afraid you're going to have to put your bride to be down and get your butt in here."


"Derek, the day I call you sir will be the day you put on a pink tutu and dance through the corridors of Quantico."

"What is that a fantasy of yours or something?" He chukled.

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