The Ruins Of Aendisea

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Player: *wandering around* Oh hey, what's this statue say? 

Statue: * Knowing I'm the last of the Aendisean people, I will use what remains of my power to magically engrave this text. This will be the only chance to preserve our memory. The Aendisean people lived peacefully for thousand and thousands of years. Knowing no hate or fear. We were all-knowing in the arcane magic of the forest and lived in symbiosis with nature. One day we became greedy. We thought we could control nature, and not only live alongside her. South of our beautiful town, at the shrine of the eternal flame, we tried the power ritual. Nature fought back. I can hear her now. She's getting clo...*

Player: ... Well that's not terrifying or anything. 

Ruin Dweller: *growls in agreement*

Player: *screams in shock*

Bane: KeEp It DoWn! I aM tRyInG tO sLeEp! 

Player: *screams louder before fainting*

A/N: "Bane" refers to Aendisea's Bane, a powerful Brutal that lies dormant in the shrine that is South of the Ruins. She's only awoken when you light the fire next to the shrine, and you should only do that if you feel like you're fully ready to fight and kill her.

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