Modern AU, because why the fuck not?

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-A loud popping/cracking noise echoes throughout the building, followed by a muffled groan of relief-

Player: *looking up from their phone* See, Em? I told you that Sava's an old man.

Emeline: He's not that old! He's just been sitting for hours on end!

Tsisana: No, honey, I'm pretty sure it's because he's old.

Emeline: He isn't even fifty! Give the poor man a break.

Player: Hmmmm.... no~.

Emeline: Player! Leave Sava alone!

Sava: While I appreciate your attempts to protect my dignity, I can do so myself. 

Emeline: I'm just trying to help-

Sava: I understand that. But it seems Player's forgotten that I'm the only one who can pin them down and restrain them properly.

Emeline: I-

Player: *embarrassed* I have no idea what you're talking about...

Random Drunk: Kinky-

 Ketevan: *smacks them upside the head* No.

A/N: Sorry for all the author's notes, I just like giving context to the weird crap I write out. So in this, Player is in for their yearly check up, Ketevan has dragged in a random drunk person (who was unconscious when she found them), and Sava is the only one strong and fast enough to capture Player when they're being difficult, much to their embarrassment.

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