𝗽𝗮𝗴𝗲 𝟬𝟮𝟰.

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𝗽𝗮𝗴𝗲 𝟬𝟮𝟰: 𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗿𝘃𝗶𝗲𝘄𝘀 & 𝗮𝗻𝘅𝗶𝗲𝘁𝘆
𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆 𝘀𝗼𝗻𝗴

"thank you ms. smith, it was a pleasure to see you again"

i whipped my head around and saw vinnie walking away towards the cafe and mariano standing at the door frame.

"as for you mariano, you make take a seat, your late" the teacher said pointing to a seat in the room

"the fuckk?" i groaned throwing a pencil and mattia, he turned around and gave me an annoyed look "what did you do?" i mouthed

"o uhm he probably saw it on my story" he shrugged

fuck? i looked over at mar and he gave me an annoyed and frustrated look aswell, this wasn't going to go as planed.

"ale, ALEJANDRO, can you just stay by my side the whole time? please? i don't want anything to happen" i asked him

"yeah yeah of course" he smiled

inside, i was freaking out. it's not that i mind vinnie being here, cause i don't, he used to come to my interviews all the time. it's the fact that he's here when mars here.

"y/n, your gonna be fine. broken up or not, you know he wouldn't miss this for anything" alejandro reassured me

"yeah i know" i said as soon as the bell rung

i walked into the hallway and out to my locker. i saw cynthia and katie running around and yelling at people, i laughed and waved. i cleaned up my locker and reapplied some perfume before i changed.

"heyy y/n" mattia came behind me and gave me a hug

"hey bubs" i hugged him back

"you nervous?" he asked me

"no not really, i just build up anxiety" i replied

"your gonna be fine, you always do great" he rubbed my back

"shit, mars coming" i pulled away from mattia

mariano walked over to us and cleared his throat;

"o uhm i gotta go get ready, see you later y/n" mattia groaned and walked away

"bye" i faintly said frowning

"yall are touchy touchy" mariano said coming closer to me and putting his hands around my waist

"i do NOT have time for this, i have to get ready" i said removing his hands

"so you wanna tell me what this thing is for and why your ex is here?" he asked

"it's an interview for fans, the schools hosting it, i dont know why though. and vinnie's here because he always comes to my things, it used to help with my anxiety" i replied walking away

i didn't have time for his jealously. i walked into the bathroom and started getting ready. i put on a velvet cropped sweater and matching velvet pants. i let my curls down and applied just a little highlighter. i looked good, well of course i did.


i walked out of this bathroom and saw the boys doing the same. i hopped on mattia's best friends and we made our way into the cafe;

"HIIII" we all screamed as we walked in

we made our way to the tables up front and took our places;

"hi guys, welcome our school! this is gonna be a quicker event because we gotta get back to school" i said into the microphone

we introduced out self's and said a few things about ourselves before we got out first question;

"what made you guys become so close?" someone asked

"well, from the begging of high school we've always gotten along better than anyone else so overtime we just started becoming closer and closer. we did everything together for years until y/n had to move away for personal reasons, but now that she's back were falling back into our flow" kairi responded

"well why did y/n have to move away?" someone asked

"o uhm we-" mattia started to say but i cut him off

"i had gotten into a serious relationship with someone and we bought a house together. i kinda left social media because i had to get my priories straight. we did break up so im back living in my own house" i replied

after a few more questions i realized how much i liked doing this. i feel a lot more better than talking to people who barley know me than people who've I've known since birth. they asked about school, our relationships, our goals, nothing too serious.

"y/n, are you in a relationship?" someone asked me

i looked into the audience and saw mariano and vinnie;

"at the moment, no, i'm figuring things out in my own life first. i have been hanging out with someone lately but it's not official" i smiled

"mattia, do you like y/n?" someone in the front said

it took him a few seconds to collect his thoughts but he finally said something;

"i do like y/n, i've liked her for years nows. but she is my best friend and  we have both agreed that our relationship right now is how it should stay" he said trying to smile

"BUT at a time i liked him, so it's not that we haven't had feelings for each other, we just don't want to ruin our friendship" i added on because i felt bad

"one last question before they have to leave" our manager said

"y/n, what's high school actually like, how have you experienced it and what have you learnt?"

"highschool is NOT what people make it out to be, it's not as bad but it also isn't as amazing as it's made to seem. kids think there gonna come to highschool and all their gonna do is party and get drunk, so lemme tell you, that's not how it actually is. yes, it's very very fun to do so but that also comes with responsibilities.  you need to know how to take care of yourself because sooner or later noones gonna be there at your every want or need. and if you do want that fun party highschool experince, don't hold yourslef down." i started, knowing i was about to mess it up

"don't get in a committed relationship unless you really feel like it's forever. because, hey, i was head over heels for this one guy but it didn't work out. i missed out on so many parties, hangouts, and just memories i would've hold onto forever. yes i loved him, but i have the rest of my life to find some guy but, you only have highschool to party untill your breathless, or to take that risk. so go mess with that guy, don't do that project, wear whatever you want, just don't make yourself believe something that isn't true" i said almost breathless

"because love, isn't always true. it's a manipulator, love yourself before you let anyone into your heart" i smiled

"THANK YOU GUYS" me and the group screamed as we started to pose for pictures

i meant every word i said, you can't not live some highschool dream because your hooked on some boy.

"baby, i'll never leave if you keep holding me this

"who's this man that's holding your hand, and
talking about your eyes?"

"all of my life i've been on my own, i use a
light to guide me home, but now together we're
alone, and there no place i'd ever wanna go"

𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗰𝗸𝗵𝗼𝗹𝗺 𝘀𝘆𝗻𝗱𝗿𝗼𝗺: 𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗱𝗶𝗿𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻

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