Katie McGrath

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You and Katie have three kids two girls and a boy the oldest was seven and the youngest two were five (They are twins).

Katie's Pov:

We had wraped early for the day and I was more than happy to be heading home, we had been shooting the mid-season finally after a long and hard week so it has been a while since I saw my wife and kids, if I could have I would have cut every red light and stop sign just to be there quicker but I knew it would have been reckless. It was around 7:30 when I pulled into our driveway the lights were on and I could hear laughter from outside which made my smile even wider, I grabbed my things and sped up the driveway unlocking the door and stepping into our house I nearly burst out laughing when I saw the scene before me.

My wife and our youngest son Louis tied to a chair with her belts they were both wearing matching black capes and Louis had one of those bandit masks on along with Y/n, in front of them stood Taylor our oldest, and Catherine both decked out in superhero costumes we had gotten them Louis looked up and saw me and happily slipped out of the belts and ran over to me along with the girls.

Lo: "Mommy!" he shouted I picked him up and hugged him Y/n looked up and turned red when she saw me.

Y/n: "Hey babe!" she said as I put Louis down and kneeled to hug the girls tightly

Ka: "What are you guys doing," I asked with a smile

Ta: "We're playing superheroes," Taylor said flexing her tiny arms.

Ca: "Yeah and Mama and Louie are the evil vampires"

Ka: "Evil vampires" I repeated looking up to my wife who had gotten up from the tiny chair and pushed the masks up.

Ka: "And what makes them evil"

Ca: "Well they were trying to take cookies from tubby," Catherin said pointing to her large teddy bear who was propped up at their small table with an empty plate in front of him.

Ka: "Oh"

Ta: "Yeah and we caught them and we kicked their butts"

Ka: "I can see" I added and stood up walking over to my wife, she was still as red as a tomato

Ka: "Why don't you all go clean up your toys mama and I need to talk a bit" they all nodded and ran off leaving us alone.

Y/n: "You're home early" I nodded and wrapped my arms around her neck, she instinctively put her hands around my waist.

Ka: "How dare you steal cookies from Tubb have you no shame" Y/n gave a laugh

Y/n: "Vell I Vanted some cookies and he happened to have some" she added in a bad Dracula voice, I slipped the mask from her hair down to her eyes with a small snap.

Ka: "You must be stopped," I said leaning closer to her she smiled and leaned in capturing my lips gently, I smiled into her lips placing one of my hand s on her cheek deepening it. I pulled away from her lips and smiled.

Ka: "Girls, I'm going to need another cape" I shouted I heard them shout with glee from their room and quickly ran down the stairs with a batwomen cape.

Y/n: "You have betrayed me" she added again in that stupid Dracula accent faking a shocked face as I let go of her to secure the cape around my neck Louise ran over to her and in a squeaky voice he said.

Lo: "We must steal more cookies" he shouted and we began chasing each other around the living room.


Cute little domestic prompt with Katie

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2021 ⏰

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