Chapter 22 : Fourth Year (Part 1)

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The Burrow - June 27, 2004

The evening after the kids came home from school Arthur was ready to set his plans into action. Ron and Ginny were going to get the help that they needed. Whether they wanted it or not.

Arthur just couldn't let them carry on as they had been. Something was clearly wrong, he was just ashamed that he had let it carry on as long as he had.

The week before he had gone and made arrangements with mind healers for each of the kids. Ron would be seeing Healer Morrison, while Ginny would be seeing Healer Lane. Both specialized in dealing with children that had difficulty in differentiating between fantasy and reality.

From what both healers had told him while he was making the arrangements and giving them a background on Ron and Ginny's issues, disassociation with reality was over 50x more common in the magical world than the muggle one. Because they had magic, and lived in a world where almost anything was possible, their children were naturally more open to the impossible and some never learned that even they had limits.

Because it was so common there were already in depth programs of mind magics and potions as well as traditional forms of therapy that could help to teach children to recognize reality and identify what is fantasy.

Arthur felt that that wasn't exactly the problems Ron and Ginny were having, but it was the best he could find. Both Healer Morrison and Healer Lane said that the program was just a starting point. They wouldn't be able to properly diagnose either child until after they had met with them at least a few times. It was only after they were properly diagnosed that a more personalized treatment plan could be created.

"What do you want?" Ginny demanded from the couch where she was sitting with Ron. Their father had demanded they come downstairs before dinner because he had said he wanted to talk to them.

"There are a few things that we need to discuss about what you two will be doing this summer." Arthur sighed.

"What's that supposed to mean? It's summer. We get to do whatever we want." Ron said in confusion.

"Yeah. That's the point of summer." Ginny said. Her voice clearly showing just how stupid she thought her dad was being.

"Not this year for the two of you." Arthur gave them both critical looks. "I was contacted by a few of your teachers. Both of you will be attending summer school."


Both of the children shouted.

"You don't have any other choice. Ron, you failed arithmancy and history of magic, and you barely passed ancient runes. If you want to take spell crafting then you are going to need to make up arithmancy and improve your grades in ancient runes. You are also going to need to make up history or else you will be held back a year in that class.

Ginny, you failed herbology and magical theory. You are going to need to make those up in summer school, or else you will be held back a year in those classes."

Arthur was truly disappointed that both children had failed two classes. He knew that Ron and Ginny were clever, in their own ways, but they were lazy and had never learned to work for something they wanted. He had been shocked to learn about the childrens grades when he had been contacted at the end of the year.

Apparently, the teachers had been speaking with McGonagall about it, but she didn't do anything, and by the time he was informed, it was to late. Arthur was glad that Sirius was going to be co-head of Gryffindor next year. He knew he could trust Sirius to keep an eye on things and tell him about any issues.

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