Chapter 10 : Leaving Hogwarts

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Hogwarts - June 16, 1996

Severus sat in his office staring down at a contract. Like they had planned, the goblins had sent a job offer in the middle of May. Now he had the final contract. He knew that if he just signed it Dumbledore would complain about it. Making a decision, he grabbed the contract and headed to the headmaster's office. If he signed it on the orders of the headmaster, Albus would have no one but himself to blame.

Walking up to the office Severus thought about how much he wanted this to work. He had only managed to get away 3 times since Hadrian had woken up, and he was missing his husband and son. The bracelets were working and helping Hadrian with his separation anxiety, but it was clear he still really missed him. If this worked he could go home after the school term and not have to return.

Knocking, he waited until he was invited before he entered. The office looked like a disaster zone. There was a reason they had waited until this point to bring out the contract.

The OWL and NEWT examiners were set to arrive just after dinner to start the exams the next day. There was also a last-minute staff meeting in 10 minutes. Albus would be flustered and rushed so he would be even less likely to read the contract.

"Ah, Severus my boy. What brings you up here. Has the meeting started already? I do hope I'm not late, I'm just gathering some last-minute things and then I will be on my way."

"No Albus, the meeting hasn't started yet. I just received the contract from the goblins and thought I should bring it up."

"Ah good. Have you signed it yet?"

"No, not yet. I haven't had time to read it. I also need a witness."

"Well sign away and I will sign as a witness."

"But we haven't read it yet. I think we should read this first."

"It's fine my boy. When you got the official job offer I wrote to the goblins and explained what they were to put in the contract. I wanted to make sure you weren't taken advantage of."

Severus barely managed to stop his eyes from rolling. Making sure he wasn't taken advantage of, sure. This was exactly what he had been hoping for though.

"Ok, I'm done," Severus said as he handed the blood quill that had been provided with the contract to Dumbledore. "Your turn."

Dumbledore hissed slightly after he signed and the cuts appeared on the back of his hand. "This is a blood quill. Where did you get a blood quill?"

"It was provided with the contract. All goblin contracts are required to be signed in blood." Severus informed him. "Well, now that that's done we should head off to the staff meeting."

The staff meeting had just ended and no one had had the chance to leave when Argus Filch led James into the room.

"Lord Peverell what a pleasure to see you, but I must ask, what brings you here today?" Albus said grandly.

"I'm here to start the negotiations for Severus to join my curse-breaking team."

"There is no need my boy. I had him sign the contract before the meeting and I witnessed it. It is official, Severus will work for you for the summer or however long you need him." Albus said with a smile.

That smile faded as James gave him a shocked expression. It was taking everything for him not to jump for joy. James also noticed that all the teachers were staying in the room to hear what was being said. Most of them looked shocked when Dumbledore had said that Severus was joining a curse-breaking team. Filius looked particularly interested.

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