chapter one

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Kelly looked around. Most of her colleagues had left by now. Who could blame them. It was past two in the morning already and most of them had to work the next day. She'd probably left in a bit herself since she didn't had anyone left to talk to, the few people who was left in the party were either unknown to her or were drunk their asses off, she would rather avoid them that have to deal with them. Her eyes stopped at a bench partly hidden away in the shadows. She couldn't quite see who was occupying it and her curiosity, of fucking course, got the best of her.

By the time she realized who was the person, it was too late to back down, sadly. It was Beyoncé. Her boss Beyoncé. Cold and stern Beyoncé. Incredible gorgeous and sexy as fuck Beyoncé Knowless.

It seem like such waste since nobody had actually had the pleasure to get to know her. She was either very reserved, or just couldn't care less about her employees. Judging by her usual facial expression and cold demeanor, Kelly had always suspected the latter.

She came this far, however, she might as well just see it through, She sat down next to the woman and for a moment she thought she was going to ignore her entirely. Beyoncé eventually looked up at her, and even though Kelly has see her everyday, she was after all this time, still struck by her beauty.

"Hi, i saw you sitting here alone, i figured you might want some company" Kelly mentality kicked herself. This was probably not how she would have started the conversation with her scary boss. What if she took it the wrong way and now would think Kelly try to insult her by saying she was alone. Kelly pushed her thoughts back, just waiting for any kind of response.

Beyoncé just kept looking at her though, without any indication that she heard what Kelly had said. Kelly was unsure if she was just being rude or if there was some other reason.

"I'm sorry. You probably don't even know who i am..i'm K-" "Kelly. You work on the sixth floor, your desk is not that far from my office" Kelly felt her head get hotter, although she doubted anybody would notice since the place was a little hot and between all the drunk people around, she still managed to look pretty normal and sober.

She didn't expect Beyoncé to recognize her appearance, let alone know her fucking name. Kelly started to wonder if she knew all of her employees.
"I remember hiring you" It was only then that Kelly heard the slight slur in her boss words, and realized she had passed the boundaries of being sober a while ago. The signs were clear all of sudden, there was a slight blush on her cheeks, her amber eyes unfocused and her posture wasn't as regal as it normally is.

On second thought, that may be exactly why she had decided to sit on a bench that was almost out of sight. She probably didn't want to ruin her mad strong reputation. Kelly started to feel a little bit uncomfortable all of sudden. She didn't know what to do in this situation.

Should she engage conversation with her sexy drunk boss that could cause her consequences later, or she could get up and leave as fast as possible. She was thinking about get up and leave when her boss voice stopped her in her tracks. "I almost didn't hire you" and then the choice was made for herself. Before she could stop herself the word slipped out of her mouth. "Why?" Engaging a conversation was probably not the brightest idea, but how can you not when Beyoncé was sitting in front of you, giving you all her attention.

Now she was really afraid of the answer to her question, but at the same time she was anxiously curious about it. Beyoncé sat up right, pulling her skirt down over her thighs before crossing them. Even drunk she managed to look in control. How was that even possible!

"I've made a rule about not hiring distracting people..I have trouble concentrating with attractive people around me. But with your degrees and experience it would have been a waste" She just shrugged it off like it was obvious thing to say, though her eyes became more focused on Kelly, like waiting for her reaction.

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