11. Family Ties

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Mfon Imeh looked out of place in the interrogation room. Olive skin, oval face and eyes that failed to hide her annoyance.

"Inspector Bankole, right? What is this?" She attacked Charles the second we walked into the room.

"Miss Mfon Imeh, you are under arrest for withholding vital information in an ongoing investigation. I believe the officer who carried out the arrest said something along that line."

She turned her eyes to me as I took one of the seats across from her.

"I already told inspector Bankole that he could contact me if he needed any more information."

She tried to come off as harmless with the innocence that her ageless face gave her and her obviously fake accent.

"How helpful of you. So I'm guessing it just skipped your memory that you had been at the Coker house that night or did you just forget to mention it?"

She froze and didn't recover quickly.
"I. How." She swallowed thickly.

"How? I'm guessing your sister didn't tell you a lot of things. She didn't trust you very much, did she?"

"Look inspector..."

"Wilson. Kaima Wilson."

"Idara had called me that night." Charles finally took a seat.


"She is my sister, she doesn't need a special reason to call me."

"You mean was." I interjected and she flared, much like Tamara.

"I didn't kill her!"

"Then why were you there?" Charles pitched.

"Because she wasn't feeling okay. She sounded faint on the phone but when I asked, she said it must have been the painkillers that Sade gave her."

"Why didn't that ease you? Why did you feel the need to go down there that late at night?" I pressed.

"She was worried about Mara and her continuous partying and I was worried for her. I just felt I could cheer her up."

"Dressed like a burglar?" Charles interjected, earning a scowl from her.

"It was chilly."

"Hence the gloves right?" I asked and watched her twitch in her seat.

"My fingers get cold easily."

"Right." I let her breath for a few seconds but she wasn't calming down.

"So, why did you leave in such a hurry?"


"For someone who wanted to entertain her big sister, I think three minutes was too short a time."

She looked from me to Charles, then her nails painted blood red.

"She was asleep and__ I didn't want to em__"

"Did you see who did it?" I shifted towards her and her eyes widened.

"What? No! I didn't see anything."

"You mean you didn't see your sister's corpse or the person that stabbed her?" Charles piped in.

"No, I didn't see anyone."

"Except the corpse."

She shut her eyes and pressed her temple to the heel of her palms.

"Why did you sneak into the compound?" I continued.

"Like a thief in the night." Charles quipped.

"Why didn't any of the girls know you were there?"

"Why we're you really there?"

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