Chapter 3: Passing out the invitations

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The next morning, George woke up to get himself ready for school.

George's POV
Today is the day! Today is when I pass out the invitations for my Christmas party this weekend coming up. I'm really excited to see who can come!

He got his backpack on and walks downstairs to the living room where he saw his mom there.

Mrs. Beard: Hey George, do you have your invitations in your backpack to give out to your friends?

George: Yes mom, all of them are in my backpack to give out.

Mrs. Beard: Good, make sure you don't lose them.

George: I won't mom

Mrs. Beard: Okay dear, I'll see you when you get out of school.

George: Okay mom, see you later

He arrived to school a few minutes later and walked to class. When he arrived to class, all of his friends were all there sitting in their desks.

George: Hey everyone, it's really good to see you guys.

Erica: Hmm.. Someone is in a good mood this morning.

George: Heh, sorry Erica, but there's something I need to tell all of you and hopefully you guys agree.

He opened his backpack to get out the invitations and passed them out to everyone. They all received the invitations and opened them.

Erica: Your going to have a Christmas party this weekend?

George: That is right! It's going to be at my house this Saturday at 7:00pm. Their will be food, games, and more.. I was hoping if you guys would like to come.

Erica: Sounds decent, I'm in

George: Great! What about the rest of you?

Bo: I'm down

Gooch: Me too

Dressy: 🎶Christmas Party🎶

Jessica: This party is going to be funnnnnnnn

George: Awesome!!! Remember it's this Saturday at 7:00pm.

He was in his desk getting his notebook out till he noticed one invitation was in his backpack. He grabs it and saw it has Harold's name on it.

George: Guys.. Do you know where Harold is? He hasn't been late to class before.

At the right moment, Harold arrived panting due to himself rushing quickly to class.

Harold: S-S-Sorry that I'm late, I kinda woke up late.

George: It doesn't matter Harold, the good news is that your here in time.

Harold sat down in his seat till George came up to him.

George: Harold, their's something I need to give you.

Harold: Y-Y-You do?

George grabbed the invitation from his backpack and hand it to Harold. He starts opening it, and was shocked to relived that he was invited to George's Christmas party.

Harold: Y-Y-Your inviting me to your Christmas party?

George: Of course, I'm inviting my closest friends including my best friend.

Harold started to have a small blush on his face and hides it so George couldn't see.

George: Harold.. Are you okay?

Harold: Never been better *smiles awkwardly*

George: Okay..? Anyways.. Are you going to come over to the party Saturday?

Harold thought about it for a little bit and soon came up with an answer.

Harold: Okay George, I'll come to your Christmas party.

George: Great!!! I'm so glad that you agree to go because, it's going to be so fun.

Harold: H-H-Heh.. I bet it will

Harold's POV
George invited me to his Christmas party this Saturday, m-m-maybe this will be the great opportunity to confess my feelings for him. B-B-But what happens if he rejects my feelings for him? He's probably not going to be my friend anymore. *sighs* Maybe I should not go to the party, I-I-I'm really nervous because, of my crush on him. I still have time to think about it before the party on Saturday.

Minutes passed and class has just begun..

Christmas edition (George X Harold)Where stories live. Discover now