Chapter 11: George and Harold's snow day

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A few days later...
George was watching television in his room till he was starting to feel bored. He got up from his bed, and looked out the window. At the moment he opened the curtains, he was in shocked.

George's POV
Oh my gosh!!! It's snowing outside. It hasn't snowed in so long. I need to call Harold to see if he wants to have a snow day together.

He grabbed his phone and called Harold.

Meanwhile with Harold..
He was in his room drawing till his phone started to ring. He looked to see who was calling him, and it was George. He got his phone and answered the call.

Harold: Hey George

George: Hey Harold, how's my favorite boyfriend doing?

Harold: *blushes lightly* Oh umm.. I'm doing good.

George: Listen Harold, have you looked outside yet? It's snowing.

Harold looked outside through his window and saw it was snowing.

Harold: Your right George, it is snowing out there.

George: Look Harold, I was wondering if you would like to have a snow day together?

Harold: A snow day, just the two of us? Yes George, I will love to have a snow day with you.

George: Great, I'll meet you at your house in a minute. See you there.

Harold hanged up and went to put on his jacket and gloves on. He went downstairs and waited for George. George did the same thing too and once he was done getting ready, he walked to Harold's house. Harold looked through the window and saw George coming. He smiled widely and wave hi to him as George smiled and wave hi back. When Harold opened the door for George, Harold ran up to him and hugged him tight.

Harold: I'm so happy to see you George!

George: I'm happy to see you too Harold

They stopped hugging and George gave Harold a kiss on his cheek.

George: Now come on Harold, let's play in the snow.

George grabbed Harold's hand, and went to play in the snow together. They both build a snowman, make snow angels, and even did a snowball fight. George was hiding from Harold, and kept a look out for him to make sure he doesn't attack him with the snowball. Without noticing, Harold sneaked behind him with a snowball in his hand, and threw it at him. George turned around and Harold ran away giggling.

George: Hey, you get back over here

Harold goes and hides as George went to look for him. He grabbed another snowball and holds it in his hands as he was looking for Harold.

George: Come out come out where ever you are. I have a surprise for you *giggles*

Harold: Hehe, he'll never find me here

At the moment when Harold turned around, George was standing in front of him, and threw the snowball softly to his face. George laughed and ran away from him, while Harold grabbed another snowball and chases after him.

George: You will never get me from here Harold.

Harold threw the snowball far, and it hit George.

Harold: I still got you George hehe

They both continue doing the snowball for a while till later, George and Harold layed in the snow looking up at the sky.

Harold: It's such a beautiful day looking at the sky on this snowy day don't you think?

George: Not as beautiful as you

Harold started to blush red, and George noticed him blushing and holds his hand.

George: Your so cute Harold

Harold: I'm not cute *blushes really red*

George: Yes you are Harold *smirks*

Harold: Stop it George, your making me blush more.

George: Okay, I'll stop hehe

Harold: Hey George, since Christmas is coming up in 2 days, did you got me a Christmas gift?

George: Of course Harold, but it's a special surprise Christmas gift. A special gift that your going to love so much.

Harold: And I have a special Christmas gift for you too, but of course you have to wait till Christmas.

George: Aww, are you sure about that?

He was playing with Harold's fingers

Harold: Heh yes George, you have to wait for your gift.

George: Okay Harold *smiles*

As they were still laying down on the snow, Harold puts his head on George's shoulder which made George blush. He leaned forward to him, and kissed him. The kiss lasted for about 5 minutes.

Harold: That was good George, your a really good kisser hehe.

George: Heh thanks Harold

Harold: We should probably go inside before it gets any colder.

George and Harold hold each other hands, and went back inside. Once they got inside, they both enjoyed a cup of hot chocolate.

(Stay tune for the last chapter coming Christmas day!)

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