Encounter 1

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©Copyright of Asia Rowe.

As I pulled into the parking lot of a place that I tried so hard to forget I saw numerous faces that mouths dropped when they saw me and my shiny new silver Audi. I smirked at their expressions. I got out of my car and grabbed my book bag.

I recognized some faces but others didn't really matter. I was scanning the lot for Beth or Chloe, but I caught another face that I didn't recognize.

His face was different. He was gorgeous. Almost perfect. He had mesmerizing green eyes, curly brown locks, and deep dimples. I caught myself staring... and he did too. He sent me a cocky smirk and winked. Oh god. What was I doing? He caught me staring...
I quickly tore my gaze and kept walking. I entered the familiar building and went to the main office. I saw the old receptionist. She had white curly hair that was pulled into a pony tail and brown eyes. She realized I was there and sent a forced smile my way.
"Hello there, how may I help you?" Her tiny voiced squeaked.
"Oh um hey. I need my time table please."
"Your name?"
"Skailar Jimenez."
She started typing something then she walked over to the printer.
"Here you go sweetie." she said as she passed me my timetable and locker number.
"Thank you." I walked out of the office and proceeded toward my new locker.

As I was walking I saw the curly haired boy talking to six people. Four of them were guys and may I say they were all very hot.The other two weren't hard not to recognized. Chloe and Beth. Beth caught my gaze and smiled. Oh no... I quickly turned away and tried to leave but before I could the inevitable happened.

"Hey Skai! C'mere!"

See I loved Beth but she was so naive.
I walked over to her and all of their eyes on me, except Chloe she was smiling and twirling her hair at the curly haired boy whose eyes were devouring my body. The four other boys were smiling at me.
One had blonde hair in a quiff with pretty blue eyes. The other had a shaven head with pretty brown eyes. The other two had brown and black hair. The one with black hair had hazelish eyes. The one with the light brown hair had bright blue eyes. He was adorable, almost like a puppy. I made it over to them and smiled .
"Hey Beth." I said avoiding all their eyes.
"Oh hey Skai! I didn't even see you there babe." Chloe twirled her brown hair and smacked on her bubblegum.
"Hey Chlo. Well as much as I would love to stand here and have random guys staring at me for no reason, I have to get to my locker. Bye Beth." Before anyone could say any thing I faded into the crowd .
First period I had science . Ughh that class was boring and I didn't recognize anyone in there. I don't understand why it was mandatory to take science. I don't understand nor do I want to know how atoms bond.

Plus there was this blonde girl that kept smirking at me. She was honestly Barbie material. Tall, blonde, blue eyes, simply gorgeous.

When the teacher was speaking I swear she took a picture of me. When I looked at her she just winked. Her name is Meghan.
Second period I had maths. I love math. It's the only honor class I had besides literature. And I actually understood math.

I walked into maths class and looked around. I recognize the blonde haired boy from earlier. He looked at me and smiled. He was very attractive. I sat down three seats away from him. But he had other intentions. He got up from his seat and sat down next to me.

"Hi I'm Niall." his accent was more like an Irish. I smiled at him.
"Skailar, but you can call me Skai." He returned the smile.

"Well Skai, how would you like to be my new best friend?" He was so cheeky.

"Hmm... Well I don't know we kinda just met and I don't think I like you. You aren't cut out for best friend material." His smiled dropped And his mouth hung open. If I didn't know any better he looked hurt. Now I felt guilty. "Niall, I was kidding. I'd love to be your best friend." His smile reappeared and I couldn't help but smile myself.


The last bell rang . Thank god the day was over . I have second fifth period with Niall (maths and literature) I have fourth and fifth period with Beth and Chloe. I don't share any classes with the curly haired boy and if I did I wouldn't know because he didn't seem to show up to any of his other classes or lunch. But I hope I don't have any classes with him. I don't need another problem in my life.

I was walking to my locker to get my book bag when I saw Beth and the boy with the shaved head and brown eyes... Kissing?
"Beth?" She pulled away from him and both set of eyes were looking at me almost frightened.
"Oh um hey Skai. This is Liam, my boyfriend?" Boyfriend? Why wouldn't she tell me this before?
"Hello there Liam it's nice to meet you sucking my best friends face." Beth started to laugh but Liam nervously smiled at me.

"Its nice to meet you beautiful." Liam called me beautiful I quickly looked down to hide my blush. BLUSH? Since when do I blush? Oh no Skai you can't blush over your best friends boyfriend. Ugh. Ew.

"So Skai have you met any of my friends?" Liam asked still smiling.

"Um yeah I met Niall. He's kinda my new best friend. Ya know he's a cool lad."

"Well come with me and Liam so we can introduce you to the rest of them." I hesitated for a while before agreeing. I'd like to meet some new people, make new friends. Or probably just declare them as fuckboy material. Based on their looks they were probably fuckboys.

"Okay, I just gotta go get my stuff." I half lied. I was going to get my stuff and get the hell out of here.
"Kay we'll meet you outside." She cheered and grabbed Liam's hand.

After getting my book bag and keys I made my way to my car hoping Beth will get the idea. But of course luck is never on my side and Beth is clueless.

"Skailar you can't get away from me that easy, come here girl!" Beth called out. Even though the parking lot was empty I'm pretty sure the world was staring at me because of how loud Beth was. I quickly made my way to the group of seven including of Niall, Beth, Liam and Chloe. The others I didn't know.

They all looked at me and smiled . I said hi to Niall and Chloe and smiled at the others.

"Skailar you've already met Niall, and these are my friends Zayn, Louis, and Harry." Harry. His name is Harry. Harry looked at me up and down and licked his lips. Just like Paul does. I managed to smile at him even though I already found him disgusting.

"So as lovely as this was I gotta get home, you know.. So it was really nice meeting you guys but-" I was cut off by Louis .

"Why are you in such a hurry love? Do you not like us? You think Ya shit don't stink? You think are you better than us?" Louis eyes were slowly skimming my body.

To say I uncomfortable was an understatement. I was easily intimidated by their tattoos and rough exterior but for him to assume things was not okay. If anything I didn't think I was better than them. I knew I was.

"I don't know mate. You know it's not okay for you to assume anything. But you're wrong. I don't <think> I'm better than you, I know I am. Maybe it's because I just met you and your already trying to mentally undress me. Or maybe it's the fact that you all are showered in tattoos and couldn't tell the difference between Shakespeare and Dr. Sues. So sorry for hurting your feelings, oh wait I'm not sorry because I really just don't give a fuck."
All mouths hung open. They were looking at me like I was a mental patient. "So as awkward as this was I will be leaving . Adios!" I sashayed my way out of the group and flicked my curls over my shoulder for a dramatic exit.
"Oh and I forgot" I turned back around "bye Niall! And it was really nice meeting everyone, really it was such an honor." I managed my poshest accent.

I wasn't lying it really was an honor. Not everyday you meet 5 hot guys.

(A/N: hope you like it. Vote for my story please.")

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