chapter 1

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chapter I

the day that it all happened, y/n had been training with her nen teacher. the building in which she was learning nen, was conveniently located in the city of yorknew. y/n's teacher was a very skilled nen user, although, he was not trained in combat.

he was a conjurer who specialized in teleportation of objects. for this reason, his nen was sought after by the phantom troupe, a world renowned group of thieves. this is why, on the day it happened, it was not by chance.

that day, y/n had been working on her zetsu with her teacher when the building's power had been shut off. after the lights had gone off, it wasn't long before her teacher realized they were being attacked. with the electricity in the building compromised, it was very hard to see anything that was happening. her teacher blindly fumbled with the door, trying to unlock it so they could escape the building before they meet their assailants. unfortunately for y/n and her teacher, it was too late. as her teacher opened the door, they saw that there were already people on the other side of the door.

on the other side of the door, were two men and a woman. y/n could just barley make out their features. the woman had pink hair, while one of the men was quite tall and had blonde hair. the other man, in the center, he was a little shorter than the blonde. he looked like he was about 5'10, he had black hair that was slicked back.

at the sight of these people, y/n's teacher backed away from the door. the man in the center stepped into the room, followed closely by the other two.

"i see you have company." the dark haired man in the center spoke, making a gesture towards y/n.

one of the downsides to y/n's teacher's nen, was that he was only able to teleport intimate objects and other people, not himself. this is why y/n's teacher instinctively started to create a portal to teleport y/n away. none of the strangers made a move to stop him until he had completed his portal, this is when the pink haired woman produced something that looked like thread which she then used to restrain both y/n and her teacher. the black haired man then stepped up to y/n's teacher,

"tell me about your ability." he said, looking at her teacher.

maybe if they had been more prepared, y/n and her teacher would be able to escape this situation. but at this moment, the only option was cooperation.

"i am able to teleport people and items with my nen." her teacher answered, looking at the floor.

at this point, y/n was frozen in fear, she was watching her skilled teacher cave in for these people so quickly and she couldn't believe it.

"if your nen teleports people, why didn't you teleport out of here as soon as the power went out?" the black haired man questioned,

"i can only teleport other people, not myself." her teacher answered, still looking down.

this made the dark haired man smile, "and to think you could've saved her if you'd been just a little less selfish at first.." he said, looking at y/n.

at these words y/n's face paled, the dark haired man took a book hidden in his pocket out before pressing it to her nen teacher's palm. y/n focused her gyo to her eyes, and was able to see a great deal of aura being exchanged from her teacher to this mysterious book. almost immediately after the aura flow had ceased, her teacher collapsed to the ground.

the pink haired woman removed the thread from his unconscious body. once she had finished, all three of them had now started to focus their attention on y/n.

"do you speak?" the dark haired man asked, looking directly at y/n.

y/n was paralyzed with fear, her nen was nowhere near as strong as her nen instructor's, and he had just been taken down in minutes.

the tall blonde man spoke for the first time, "answer the boss when he asks a question." he said coldly,

y/n snapped out of her trance, "s-sorry, y-yes" she spoke, tripping over her words, the fear still coursing through her body.

the blonde man smiled in satisfaction that he had gotten her to speak.

"well do you have a name then?" the dark haired man asked, a smile still playing across his lips,

"y-y/n" she answered, the fear apparent in her voice,

"what an interesting name.." the dark haired man mused.

the dark hair man whispered something y/n couldn't hear to the pink haired woman who then released y/n from the thread she had been restrained by. without a word, the pink haired woman exited, followed by the tall blonde man. y/n was left alone in the almost pitch black room with the dark haired man. even unrestrained, y/n was still frozen in place by fear.

the dark haired man approached her, "no need to be scared" he said, getting closer, "fear doesn't suit that beautiful face of yours" he added with a smirk.

y/n was too terrified to register his words, the man continued to get closer to her until he was only a couple of feet away from her. y/n's eyes darted from the man to her teacher, who was still collapsed on the ground, and without thinking, she slapped the man.

the dark haired man brought his hand to his cheek, " hit me.." he said, visibly surprised, looking at her whilst his hand remained on his cheek.

y/n now overcome by the adrenaline she had just received from what she had just done made a dash for the door, she only got a few feet before the dark haired man grabbed her by her wrist and stopped her in her tracks.

"did i say you could leave?" he asked, his grip on her wrist not faltering.

she turned looked up at him nervously, "p-please i-i'm sorry i'm not meant to b-be here.. i-i need to go" she said, her heart racing,

"don't run, i'm not going to hurt you.." the man said, now trying to calm her down.

his grasp on her wrist loosened, and to his surprise, when he let go, she didn't run. instead, y/n had turned to face him. y/n was taking deep breaths in and out, trying to calm her nerves, he said wasn't going to hurt her so there was nothing to be scared of.

after a few seconds of taking breaths in and out and regaining her normal composure, y/n spoke, this time without a stutter, "who are you?" she asked,

her question was simple and straightforward, and the dark haired man had a simple and straightforward answer for it..

"my name is chrollo lucilfer."

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