chapter 2

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chapter II

"my name is chrollo lucilfer"

y/n's mind was racing, chrollo lucilfer, it didn't ring any bells. his last named was suspiciously similar to lucifer. in fact, maybe it was fitting after what y/n had just witnessed.

y/n angrily looked from chrollo to her unconscious teacher's body on the ground. "why did you do this?" she asked, her voice laden with a mix of anger and fear.

chrollo shrugged, "he had a good nen, i needed it for something we're planning." he said nonchalantly.

"what do you mean you needed his nen? who is we? the people in here earlier?" y/n asked, confused at his words.

"i mean i took his nen." chrollo said with a smirk, "and we, we are the phantom troupe." he added.

y/n's face paled, the phantom troupe were notorious thieves and murderers all with a-class bounties, she almost didn't believe that she was in the presence of a member. she spaced out for a second, she would probably be dead in a minute if this man really was in the phantom troupe.

chrollo waved one of his hands in front of y/n's face in an attempt to break her train of thought. at this action, y/n involuntarily flinched, expecting him to hit her.

"i told you i wasn't going to hurt you, i keep my promises." chrollo said in response to her reflex.

y/n faltered, "sorry." she replied

y/n was conflicted, the man before her was telling her he wasn't going to hurt her, yet he also claimed to be in the phantom troupe. how did the two go hand in hand? then her mind turned to something he had said earlier, he took her teacher's nen? she was confused on what he meant.

she worked up the courage to ask, "what did you mean when you said you took his nen?" she said, motioning towards her teachers body.

chrollo's face became neutral, "i meant just that. i took his nen, it's mine now."

y/n looked surprised, "how?" she asked, not being able to wrap her mind around how he could've taken somebody's nen.

"i'm a specialist, i can take whatever and whosever nen i want." he said, still with a neutral expression.

y/n finally understood, he was a specialist, and had manifested his nen in the form of being able to steal other people's nen. she thought it was fitting for a thieving troupe member like him.

y/n decided to ask the question she had dreaded to ask, "is he dead? did you kill him?" she said, walking over to her teacher's body.

chrollo stayed where he was, "relax, he's only unconscious." he said calmly.

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