chapter 5

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chapter V


y/n was too consumed by sleep to hear him speak as he wished her goodnight.

sleep clouded y/n's eyes as they opened, she was staring at a dark grey ceiling, it didn't look like her room. her confusion was soon cleared when all of her memories from the previous day struck her. she still couldn't believe she was here. she slowly started to pull herself up into a sitting position. she looked down and noticed that she was wearing a long white button up shirt, she had a faint memory of changing into it last night.

"you're finally up i see."

y/n instinctively turned her head in the direction of this voice, only to have her eyes met with those of chrollo.

he was seated on the same couch, in almost the same position she had last seen him in, still studying his book.

"have you been sitting here this whole time?"

the corner of chrollo's lips turned up at this, he was amused,

"of course not, even i must sleep." he responded, still smiling.

his reasonable response caused y/n to feel stupid for asking her question.

y/n pulled herself out of the bed so she was now standing besides it,

"is there somewhere i can shower?"

chrollo knew the bathroom was somewhere secure y/n wouldn't be able to run from, there was only one entrance and exit, and it led right back into his bedroom, which they were currently in.

chrollo nodded at her question, still looking down at his book, "the door to your right"

"thank you"

y/n hadn't noticed the door before, it was the same color as the walls of the room which differed from the color of the door which was used to exit the room. y/n walked towards it, opened it, and entered.

the bathroom was pretty large, it wasn't what she had expected. there was a spacious shower and a large counter with an odd modern looking sink. it didn't look like it belonged to the main room, the only similarity was the way it was poorly lit.

just as y/n had felt when she went to sleep, she also felt uncomfortable now, she didn't want to shower with a man in the next room. but she realized that if she wanted to shower, she would have to.

y/n walked over to the shower and turned it on before she unbuttoned the white shirt and slid it off her figure. she stepped into the shower, the hot water felt so good on her skin. she felt all the stress that had been building up inside her slowly evaporate, just like steam. she stood there for a few more minutes, just letting the heat of the water soak into her skin.

after almost half an hour, y/n shut the water off and stepped out of the shower, walking over to a hook on the wall which had a few towels hanging from it. y/n grabbed a soft light grey towel from the hook and wrapped it around herself. she realized that she didn't have any clothes with her into the bathroom.

against her better judgement she decided to ask chrollo for some clothing.

y/n cracked the door open so she could see the back of chrollo's head,

"excuse me mr. lucilfer, do you have any clothing i can wear?" she asked

chrollo's attention snapped from his book to her voice as he heard his last name being said by her.

"yeah, i'll get you some." chrollo said, as he stood up.

y/n stood in the bathroom, the grey towel wrapped around her body, steam still surrounding her from her shower. she ran a hand through her damp hair in an attempt to brush it. suddenly, she heard a knock at the door. y/n walked back over to the door to open it. once again, y/n cracked the door open slightly, peering through to see if chrollo was there.

"i hope you didn't take all the hot water" chrollo said with a smirk before opening the door wider and offering y/n a small pile of neatly folded clothes.

y/n's face immediately flushed upon seeing him, luckily for her, it was unnoticeable in the steamy room.

"thank you." y/n said quickly before taking the clothes.

the smirk stayed on chrollo's face as he shut the door between them.

y/n set the pile of clothes that chrollo had provided her with down on the countertop before going through them, all of the items he'd given her still had tags on them, she wondered where he had gotten these new clothes from.

y/n's face heated up again when she saw a pair of black underwear in the pile, she couldn't say she particularly enjoyed the idea of chrollo giving them to her.

nonetheless, y/n dropped her towel and slid them on before stepping into dress from the pile and pulling the straps over her shoulder. she reached her hand around her back and started to zip it up she got about halfway before she stopped to look down at the front of the dress, it was a black dress. it was a long enough to almost touch the tops of her knees which she appreciated, given the company she would be keeping.

y/n now fully clothed, walked over to the door and opened it. all the condensation and steam started to exit the room with the door fully opened. y/n stepped out, back into the main room, where chrollo was seated back on the couch.

as he heard the bathroom door open, he turned his head to look at her.

"took you long enough" he said playfully, subtly glancing at y/n's figure in the dress he had given her.

"thank you for the clothing." y/n said politely as she walked over to where he was sitting.

as y/n was walking towards him, chrollo stood up and started walking towards her as well. they both stopped a few feet from the couch, face to face.

"why do you have women's clothes anyways?" y/n asked.

"maybe they belong to my lover" chrollo said with a smirk.

the corner of y/n's lip turned down, but before chrollo could notice, she resumed her blank expression.

unbeknownst to y/n chrollo noticed her quick change in expression.

"i'm only teasing" chrollo added after seeing her face.

"i sent one of the troupe members to find some clothing for you last night after you had fallen asleep." he finished.

for some reason, a small weight was lifted off of y/n's heart at these words, maybe it was the way she imagined chrollo sending a troupe member to go shopping that made her smile, or maybe it was what he had said before that.

"anyways, i'm going to shower now." chrollo continued,

"i meant what i said about taking all the hot water" he added with a smile.

"no promises" y/n said, slightly smiling now.

"also, a troupe member will be watching the other side of the door while i shower. so i wouldn't think about trying to make a break for it if i were you" he said before starting to walk past y/n and towards the shower.

y/n also started walking in the opposite direction, towards the couch that he had been seated on.

suddenly y/n's heart jumped in her chest as she felt a hand gently grab her waist from behind,

"what are you doin-" y/n was cut off by chrollo,

"your dress is unzipped" he whispered in her ear as he zipped the back of her dress up.

a blush spread across y/n's face at his words, all she could do was stand still and wait for him to finish zipping it up.

"t-thank you mr. lucilfer.." y/n managed to get out as she felt his grip on her waist cease.

chrollo's heart fluttered at the sound of his name on her tongue.

"no problem"

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