▪︎Chapter One▪︎

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On the roof at the Hollywood Ghost Club

"Wait what?" 

The sound of the guitar strumming came to an abrupt stop leaving the two friends staring out over the Hollywood skyline in silence. 

“Yeah I know it’s weird, right?”

The male began, readjusting the way he was sat while being careful not to disturb the head on his shoulder,
 “As I said I was just skating along and then I bumped into this cute blonde guy who I thought was a lifer, turns out he wasn’t. He said that he and his bandmates had died after eating some bad hotdogs before they got to play the biggest show of their lives but now they have started this new band with a lifer who can see them called Julie as people can hear and see them when they play music! It’s crazy!”

“And does my father know about this?”

The girl replied, concern laced in her tone as she lifted her head off her friend’s shoulder to stare him right in the eye. 

“He owns my soul Y/N, of course, he is gonna know about this!”

“Shit Willie! This isn’t good. Whatever you do you can’t let them come to the club!” She replied quickly, rushing to stand up, guitar in her right hand.

“We may have a small problem…” the skater returned, eyes continuing to gaze across the skyline as he remained seated. 

“No. Please tell me he didn’t!”

“He did.”

“You can’t bring them here, you know what he will do!” 

“I don’t exactly have much choice Y/N! He literally owns my soul! If I don’t he will destroy me!” The male cried out, eyes ripping away from the view to meet his best friends, his sight blurred by tears. 

“Oh Willie, I’m sorry, I know it’s not your fault. I should never have introduced you to my father, then we wouldn’t be in this mess and you wouldn’t be in this position.” 

Silence took over the two friends once more, as she returned to where she had once been sat, placing her head on his shoulder once again. He wrapped an arm around her waist pulling her close as both of their minds began to spin in hopes to come up with a plan to stop what was about to occur.

"He was cute wasn't he?" She questioned after a while, seeing that her friend was struggling not to blurt it out.

"The cutest" He replied, a smile taking over his face.

Inside the Hollywood Ghost Club

After her conversation with Willie on the roof of the club, Y/N poofed into her dressing room in order to get ready for the nightly performance she had to put on. She changed into her outfit, her father had so ‘kindly’ provided and headed over to the mirror to finish her hair. When she was nearly done she heard the whoosh of someone appearing behind her. Seeing the reflection in the mirror, she rolled her eyes before turning to face them.

“Oh, sweetheart you look ravishing in that dress. Reminds me of your mother.”

Y/N rolled her eyes once again and turned back to face the mirror, not wanting to deal with her fathers bullshit. 

"No response, my love?" The man questioned, "The least you could do is say thank you." 

"Oh sorry, am I meant to be thankful that I'm being held against my will and being forced to play and entertain a crowd every night? My mistake father dearest" She questioned, sarcasm rolling off her tongue like a second language.

"Now now my love, there is no need for the attitude. You know for a fact that I do this because I love you. Now stop behaving like spoilt brat and behave like the respectable female that you are!" Her father replied, anger flickering in his eyes.

"If you loved me, you would let me leave." She whispered, hoping he wouldn't hear. Sadly he did. 

"Oh sweetheart, you're not going anywhere." 

Electricity ran through her veins as her father's stamp on her wrist activated.

"As long as you have that stamp, you belong to me. So get out on that stage and perform like your life depends on it, cause it does." 

The electricity came to a stop as his anger faded, causing Y/N to fall to the ground and catch her breath.

"Oh, and honey," He called as he began to exit the room. "We have guests tonight so be on your best behaviour and put on your best show yet" 

Y/N rolled her eyes once more and grabbed the nearest object which happened to be a chair and pulled herself upwards, breathing heavily from the intense pain she had just experienced.

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