you are a hero!

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they all joined up with the other araluens who noticed but didn't comment on halts still pale face.

"we can trust them"

is all he said. it was enough.

"so back to planning a war you said you have been in war before and that you where sent to help how is that so?"

"we don't know halt not exactly anyway the gods just seem to love throwing us into missions with barely any information"

"so what can you help with"

"what have you got so far? whats the enemy doing? what are their weaknesses?"

"morgarath will send the bolk of his wargal enemy through the pass and set up on the plains but they also plan to send a large force of skandians to attack us in the rear. the wargals weakness are horses and the skandians don't usually use long range weapons"

percy frowned over the map trying to think. leo was fiddling and just staring around like he was planning how to rig the tent with wings and bombs. the same thing he had been doing since they got here. thalia was scanning the faces of the araluens like she was working out the best way to beat them all to a pulp whilst annabeth looked really thoughtful and dangerous like she was about to go out and just take on kronos and his army by herself.

"so if you send some archers and spearmen to protect them to counter the skandians that should diminish that threat"

the war leaders blinked at the simple solution 

"thats...acturally quite good"

"why thank you"

"shut up percy that gets rid of that threat but thats still a long way from the win"

"okay wisegirl i'm guessing you've sort that out"

annabeth glared at him

"yes acturally i do. we know kronos hates you maybe we could use you for bait"


"yes seaweed brain bait we send you out to confront him he gets so caught up with revenge and rage, it is his fatal flaw, that he forgets the araluens and focuses on making you pay"

"wow i love you too annabeth"

"shut up percy is it that hard to do"


"stop it you too we don't have time for this"

halt interrupted angrily percy shrugged 

"you're not the one thats being sent out to get targeted"

halt raised an eyebrow 

"acturally i think i might join you out there morgarath hates me from last time it might be a good touch"

"hold on if you want to go can i stay back here and just destroy his armies"

"no you can't now stop complaining i thought you where the hero of olympus for pitys sake"

"so what i didn't win that war we all did together and besides that doesn't take away my ability to complain"

leo turned to him 

"quit saying that percy you took the titan lord on practically singlehandedly and played a huge part in the second titans war  people look to you for hope when things get down you're always there ready to lift their spirits when most think and are even convinced that all is lost. your a leader percy you need to just accept that people believe and trust you because of you're fatal flaw it is your allys greatest asset and your enemys fear because you have turned it into you favour"

he took a beath colouring as all the eyes in the tent fell on him 

"you really think that of me leo?"

"everyone does"

"i uh i had no idea"

"because you are just so humble you do it without even realising it!"


percy muttered but leo grinned

"no man its great!"

percy smiled at his friend

"so now thats cleared can we go kick some titans lord"


thalia interrupted leo grinned

"yes ma'am"

sorry its a bit of a cliffhanger and kind of short let me know what you think:)🏹☕💕

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