Chapter 32

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I walk into my English class, conscious about all the looks I've gotten throughout the day.

As soon as I walk in I catch Zoe's eye and she smirks at me.

I know I'm about to be verbally abused by her.

I take my regular seat and I brace myself.

"Decided to dress up for your hoes today?" Humor laces her voice.

"Actually. Unlike you. I dress for myself and not for approval or attention from boys." I give her a fake smile.

She opens her mouth to say something but nothing comes out. She takes a long pause. Her mouth hangs open as she blinks and tries to think of something to say.

"Well." She begins stumbling with her words, "you're fat anyways." She huffs out before turning away from me.

Thanks. I know.

In return to that I roll my eyes and face the front of my class. Aware that Colton has taken his seat as soon as our conversation ended.

Neither of us say anything to each other.

The bell rings. And class begins.

So much for this outfit.

"I am not wearing a friendship bracelet with those colors." Toby points.

"Then pick your own colors!" I motion at all the thread colors in front of him.

"They're all girly colors."

"Colors don't have genders."

"Fine. The colors don't match my vibe."

"Sure they do. There's blue."

"Teal." He corrects.

"It's still a type of blue. I even have black and green."

"Okay fine. I'll make the friendship bracelet."

"Will you wear it?"

"Uhhh." He rubs his chin. "Fine."

He grabs the colors that I suggest to him and starts braiding them as I braid my yellow and blue bracelet.

"Lia. You have a visitor." My dad says poking his head in the kitchen.

"Okay." I say.

My dad motions for whoever to walk in and Maria walks through the door.

We both exchange smiles.

"Hey Lia." She says taking a seat next to me.

"Hi." I stop working on my bracelet and give Maria my full attention.

"I really hate to say this." She begins her eyes not meeting mine. My heart begins to drop but my smile stays in my face. "I know you're probably still trying to decide and thinking about it. There's not much time left before we have to start the regular season. If you don't get back to me about what you're going to do about lacrosse by the end of the month I'm afraid I'm going to have to take you off the roster."

My smile falls. That hurt like a bitch.

I love lacrosse.


"Oh I don't Know how to do this." Toby says raking his fingers through his hair.

I look over the edge at the trees with tears running down my face. We're at the rinks roof right now.

"What do I do?" I ask for the hundredth time.

"Lia you've asked me that so many times and my answer isn't going to change."

"I just don't know what to do." I cross my arms and lean them on top of the ledge.

"Do you really love lacrosse?" He asks. His voice stern.

"Of course I do."

"Then what is stopping you from joining?"

That's an easy answer.

"Because I'm not good at it. I suck at it. It's never going to take me anywhere in life."

Frustration works its way into Toby's face. All he does is reach his arms out to me and hugs me. The hug feels familiar. The same way my brother hugs me.

I immediately wrap my arms around him finding comfort in the hug.

"I'm not going to tell you what to do with your life. Only you decide that." Toby says.

"This just really sucks." I sniffle.

"I know."

And then we stand there in silence.


Another sleepless night.

Tonight I lay awake staring at my lacrosse stuff piled in the corner. I think about Lilly too.

When either Colton and Lilly will talk to me again.

Tomorrow is only Wednesday. It feels like I've lived a whole month the past few days.

I figured that I'm not sleeping tonight and sit up in bed.

I think about all the things I can do at midnight. While everyone in town is asleep.

I climb out of bed and decide to stay in my pj's that consist of sweatpants and a baggy shirt.

I grab my glasses and place them on my face, my phone, keys, and wallet.

I slip on some slippers and sneak across my house and down the stairs. I sneak out the front door and run to my car.

I get in and drive with one destination in mind.


"Do you ever get tired?" I ask.

Izzy sets a cup of hot chocolate on the table and takes a seat across from me.

"Absolutely." She says smoothing her hair back in its bun. "But that's why I have other staff too."

"I'm unemployed." I joke.

She gives me a smile.

"Tell me whenever you're ready to work. I know there has to be a lot on your mind for you to come sit at an empty coffee shop past midnight."

"I'll get over it." I shrug trying to convince both myself and Izzy.

"Just remember. All of this will not matter after Highschool." She takes a sip of her tea.

She's not wrong about that. I nod as I sip my hot chocolate.

"I also heard about everything that happened outside the other day." I set down my cup and look at her, embarrassed. "I'm not too excited about it. But I know how boys are. I've been through them."

I let out a giggle along with her.

"They're extremely confusing." I shake my head. I notice she doesn't have a ring in her finger. And she hasn't mentioned any significant other this whole night. "I'm sorry for asking. But are you in any sort of relationship right now?"

"Oh don't be Sorry. I'm not involved with anyone right now. Every guy I've tried to be with feels like I put my shop first instead of my relationship." She looks at her feet on the ground.

"Someday, you'll find someone that will appreciate that dedication." I pick up my cup and take another sip.


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