Chapter 29

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I sit with my legs crossed. Everything from my hips to my knees are sore. I mean everything. Colton sits next to me on the couch his arm resting on the back of the couch. He is very relaxed whereas I seem a little tense. Maria sits on the other side of Colton.

"Where did you two go?" My dad asks.

"Pizza Shop." Colton says.

"There's a game coming up this week Davis. You better be ready. It's a big game actually." My dad says.

"I know sir. I'll be on top of everything don't worry." Colton flashes my dad a smile.

"Lia still needs to tell me wether or not she's back on the team." Maria says leaning forward a little so she can look at me.

"I'm still thinking about it." I say honestly.

"Seems like you're pretty popular with lacrosse around here." Raquel's husband says.

"Yes because she's good." Colton leans his chest foreword. I bring my arm up and gently push him back into the couch.

Colton's arm moves from the back of the couch to around my shoulders and he pulls me to his side.

"For a small town player." The husband-who's name I've figured out is Albert-says.

I sit there and let him insult me. Because he probably is right.

"Hey bud my son made it to the NHL with my coaching." My dad says. Not sure exactly how that is supposed to defend me.

"Yeah but you don't coach her in lacrosse." Albert shrugs.

"Excuse me?" Maria says. He basically just insulted her.

I stand up pulling Colton up with me. I don't want to hear anymore of it.

I drag Colton upstairs to my room with me. I'm still in very much pain so I hope all the arguing is distracting them from the way I'm walking.

We make it to my room and I shut the door silently. I jump onto my bed and the mattress presses into my aching back making me sigh.

"How about a movie eh?" Colton asks laying down next to me.

"Why not." I say scooting closer to him.


"You're going to be fine." Colton says for the hundredth time.

We both are standing by my vanity waiting for Ellie to show up. I'm going to preform at Izzy's today.

"What if there's a lot of people?" I say my heart beating so fast I can feel it in my throat.

"So what? Just imagine that you're the only person there." He puts his hands on my shoulders.

I look at him and we hold each other's gaze. If this was last month I would be freaking out.

Colton's eyes switch between mine.

"You're going to be absolutely great." His voice is low. He breaks eye contact and looks past me at my vanity mirror.

"I really hope so." I lick my lips and bite nervously on my bottom one.

Colton lowers his lips to my ear.

"You also look so fucking gorgeous." He pulls his head back and there's a smile spread across his face.

I smile too.

I'm wearing light jeans with a white distressed sweater. My hair is as usual in its natural state. It's not all that much really.

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