Chapter 20

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My eyes slowly open but then shut because the sun was blinding me.

Everyone is supposed to be going to my house at five.

I roll onto my back and sit up. I rub my eyes and grab my glasses and put them on. I look around trying to process everything.

I'm still in Colton's room but I'm the only one in his bed.

Colton and I fell asleep watching some dumb Christmas movie on Netflix.

"Good morning beautiful." Colton says walking out of his bathroom. He's wearing the same thing he was yesterday.

"Morning." I say swinging my legs over the side of the bed and pain shoots through my body. I'm sore from lax. I let out a groan.

"What's wrong?" Colton asks rushing to my side. Cute.

"I'm just sore." I rub my arms finding that it's a bit chilly in here.

"Are you cold?" He asks.

"Just a Little."

Colton gets up and walk into his bathroom. Stepping right past my jacket. Okay.

He walks back out with a light grey hoodie in his hand. He slips it over my head and I push my arms through.

His hoodie has our school name and Eagles Hockey printed right under it in blue. Colton sits down next to my and rubs my leg.

"Smokin." He says. I come to the conclusion that he says that whenever he really likes something I do or wear.

"I agree." I say. "I need to brush my teeth." I say standing up and stretching out my sore muscles. His hoodie falling down over my butt, it's slightly oversized.

I feel a small smack on my butt.

"Your Ass is so beautiful!" Colton exclaims wrapping his arms around my lower waist. His hands maneuver under my shirt and his hoodie.

How do I respond to that? Not sure. Instead I push his arms away and walk over to my bag. I open it and realize I did not pack my toothbrush.

"Colton. I need a toothbrush." I say.

"Okay." He opens his door and pokes his head out, "Mommy!" He yells through the house, "Mer needs a toothbrush!"

He calls Maria Mommy. How adorable.

He pulls his face back into his room and shuts the door.

"Mommy?" I ask.

"Yeah." He says rubbing the back of his head. His cheeks are pink with embarrassment.

"I find it cute." I say planting a kiss on his nose.

There's a knock on his door. Colton opens it and grabs the unopened toothbrush in Maria's hand. He tries to shut it but she stops him.

"How did you sleep last night Lia?" Maria asks. Her eyes travel down to Colton's hoodie. A small smile appears on her face.

"I slept really well." I say honestly.

"Yeah you move every five seconds." Colton says.

"You guys slept in the same bed?" A smirk spreads across Maria's face.

Colton's eyes widen when he realizes what he said.

"No she's just very loud when she moves. I heard her moving." Terrible excuse Colton.

"Colton." Maria raises her eyebrows at him, "I don't care actually. I think it's cute."

"Well mom." He says crossing his arms, "we only slept in the same bed. Nothing else."

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