Chapter 2

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"I bet you he stalked your account." Lilly says.

Lilly and I are currently in an empty roller rink doing wall ball and occasional trick shots to each other.

"Doesn't everyone when you first follow someone? I stalked his and they were either him at a party or hockey." I say.

"So like ten more minutes of this and then we can go watch your boyfriend." Lilly wiggles her eyebrows.

"This is like my first time ever watching Jake play hockey." I catch a pass from Lilly and smoothly throw it back to her.

"It's odd. You would think he would invite you by now." Lilly says.

"You know my dad." I sigh.

"Been friends since sixth grade. Of course I do." She drops her stick.


Lilly and I drop ourselves and our stuff right behind the boy's bench.

I try to keep my eyes on the puck but as always the little shit is so fast.

I look at the bench and notice a bunch of dudes whispering, not really. Making it blatantly obvious they were talking about me.

A wave of "that's her!", "she's hot.", "Jake scores tens.", "that's the girl he's fucking."

I send them all death glares, they were unaffected. None of them stopped and just kept staring.

"Sounds like You're the Talk of the town." Lilly says.

"Yeah. I know. I'm so absolutely flattered." I say monotonously. "I guess it comes with being a girlfriend."

"They won't stop staring." Lilly says.

"Maybe we can find you a hockey boy." I look at my best friend. Her dark brown hair pulled up into a a loose top knot. Her eyes looks brown but I remember having a conversation about how they're actually and amber color. She also looks like she tans year round but really it's natural. And she's not even all that tan.

"No thanks. Those little shits are not loyal. And if they are, honey you got a special edition one."

"I guess you can call me lucky." I laugh. Right.

I notice all the players start to pack up and my dad makes his way towards us.

"Aren't you girls cold?" He asks once he gets to us.

"Not really." I say wiping sweat off my forehead.

"Alright I'm gonna go sit in my office. Some of the boys like to stay after some like to leave immediately. If you need me just holler but besides that I'll come get you when I'm done doing some things."

"Okay." I say and Lilly nods her head.

I pull my sweatshirt out of my bag and pull it over my head because now the thought of being cold is making me cold.

I wait till the bench is almost empty before Lilly and I make our way into it.

I spot Jake and a few other guys out on the rink. I keep my eyes on him as he continues to practice after hours.

He seems a bit frustrated.

"Hey you're Jakes girlfriend!" A voice coming from my right side says.

I look over and it's obviously one of Jake's teammates. Not that I could tell who without the helmet but this dude has a helmet on.

"Yes I am her."

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