Chapter 10

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I slowly open my eyes from a deep sleep. Only leaks of sunlight shining through my shut curtains. I'm wearing Jake's shirt and no pants.

I reach toward my nightstand and place my glasses on my face.

A pair of relaxed arms wrapped around my body. I slowly turn in them. My legs tangle with his.

Once I do a full one eighty, hehe. My face is inches away from Jake's. His eyebrows are drawn together and his lips slightly turned into a frown. He must be having some sort of dream.

His blonde hair is a mess and his pale lips are chapped from breathing through his mouth.

I feel myself smile. The butterflies flutter their wings a little. I inch my face towards his and press my lips to his forehead. I find that it's dotted with sweat.

Jake stirs in his sleep for a few seconds before his eyes peel open. He smiles at me.

"Morning." Jake says in a raspy voice.

"Good Morning." I reply.

Jake places his lips on mine. His hands start to travel down my body. He reaches the end of his shirt and slowly pulls it up. His fingers press hard against my bare skin. Our lips move roughly.

The nervous feeling then starts to settle in my stomach when Jake's hand reaches right under my butt that is only covered by my underwear.

I quickly pull away from the very sloppy kiss. Jake almost frowns.

"What time is it?" I ask.

Jake turns away and reaches his arm out for his phone. He checks the time.

"It's twelve forty-two." He says turning back to me.

I untangle our legs and sit up. Jakes hands falling away from my body.

"We missed breakfast. I wonder why nobody woke us up?" I say.

I swing my kegs over the side of the bed. My clothes from yesterday are thrown all over the floor. I look at my vanity mirror, Jake is on his phone.

I stand up and step over my clothes as I make my way to my closet.

I pull out a pair of black shorts and slip them on.

I walk out and Jake is now sitting up. One of his hands behind his head and the other holding his phone. The blanket covers from his lower hip down exposing the top of his boxer shorts. The way his arms are positioned shows off his biceps. His bare abs relaxed.


Jake turns his head and looks at me. His green eyes glowing in the dim room. He smirks.

"All yours baby." His voice still laced with sleepiness.

I feel my face get hot. I smile.

I walk to my window and open the curtains. Sunlight spills into my room.

"I'm going down for brunch. If you want to put some clothes on and join." I start picking up my scattered clothes.

"I'm okay, thanks though."

I nod.

I throw my clothes in the hamper that sits on my bathroom.

I then make my way downstairs.

I walk into the kitchen and find my brother and my dad sitting at the island. My dad discussing some hockey stuff with my brother.

They both are dressed in pj's.

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