Chapter 24

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"I don't want to go over there." I shake my head. "And I know for a fact that they are not welcomed." I look at Raquel's family.

"Merlia. You need to get out of the house." Raquel says.

"I do. I go to the backyard." I cross my arms.

"Don't you want to see Maria?" My dad asks.

I do. I really do. I want nothing but to see her again.

"I just don't want to go!" I yell. Raising my voice now makes me dizzy.

It's been almost a week since I've ate anything. I also haven't checked my phone since Christmas.

"For a few hours. Just so Your mom can catch up with Maria." My dad says.

"Stop calling her my mom. She's not my mom!"

Alex walks over to me and pulls me into the kitchen.

"If we go to Maria's house. You can ride with me. So whenever you want to leave we can leave. So you can go see Maria and talk to her and whatever and then we can leave." Alex says.

"Out of all people I thought you would understand why I wouldn't want to go."

"We're Not going there to see him. We're going to see Maria."

I want to see Maria.

"Fine." I say.

We walk back into the living room.

"She'll go. As long as she rides with me." Alex says.

"Okay." My dad nods. He sneaks a peak at Raquel and then looks back down at his feet. "Let's go then."

"Oh my I remember her house like it was yesterday." Raquel says ringing the doorbell.

After a few seconds Maria answers. Her jaw drops and she looks at Raquel surprised.

"Surprise!" Raquel says going in for a hug.

Maria drapes her arms lazily around Raquel and she looks at me. I look down at my feet. I'm wearing the exact same outfit from yesterday.

Raquel pushes her way into the house.

"Uh come in I guess." Maria says as she's pushed into the door.

Maria reaches her arm out for me and I walk to her. She wraps her arm around my shoulders and squeezes me to her side.

Raquel walks into the kitchen and she makes comments about Maria's house.

We all sit down at the kitchen table. I know Colton is upstairs and I really hope he doesn't come downstairs. I sit down between Maria and Alex at the table.

I pull out my phone to try and distract myself and notice I have a few unread messages. Logan, Ellie, Kylie, and Molly all saying thanks for the gifts. Kylie and Molly huh?

I get on Instagram and scroll through my feed. I come across a picture that makes my heart hurt. All my friends, well ex-friends except for a few, were all hanging out on Christmas Day.

I don't know why I expected an invitation.

Tears fill my eyes at the sight of the picture. I've been cut off. Right when I needed them the most. They all look so happy.

I wipe at my eyes and turn my phone completely off and put it away.

"So how's Carly and Colton?" Raquel asks.

My head snaps up. I look at Maria and her face morphs into sadness. I grab her hand under the table.

"Carly uh. Carly was hit by a drunk driver about a year ago. She's dead." Maria says.

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