Part 1

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It's been so long since Yuri ignoring Yena and it's been getting on her nerves sometimes.

"Unnie, why are you always like this? Go talk to her" said Yujin.
"Ugh I hate it. She always with Hyewon and it making me really jealous" Yena said with a low voice and it sounds like she's in pain
Yujin just pats her back and said "you've been so jealous since our last comeback, SSOTS just talk to her and she will understand. Besides, you're better hurry up cus seems like you have a rival"

Yena just smile but deep down she knows that it hurts her just to imagine Yuri choosing Hyewon instead of her.

"HAHHA yuri you're so dumb!"
"Awwh unnie come oonn~ just one more time I wanna play this game with you"
"okey-okey.. you're cute"

Yena can only listen to their conversations and she always been, she's so sick of it and she wanted to leave this room it makes her sad and angry.

"Ya Yena, where are you going? We're going to perform after this" Eunbi said
Everyone turns their gaze to Yena except for the two people who are cuddling while playing games
"I-I just wanna go to the toilet real quick. Brb"
Yujin knows smthg is wrong and she seen it all,
"Unnie I'm going with yena we'll be right back!" She said with a genuine smile
"K kids be quick" eunbi said

Just as she was about to cry, Yujin stops her
"Oh *sniffs* yea, you're right" Yena chuckles bitterly
"I feel like it's all my fault Yujin-ah, I didn't have time to spend time with her like we use to and I regret that a lot." Yena said as she trying her best to not letting a tear fall down
"I know, but please don't say that, let's have fun rn and forget abt this for now please?"
"Yea okay. Let's go I hate it here"
"Lmao same tbh"

(After the performance)

"Aaaaah I'm sooo tired" Hiichan said
"I'm never get tired of looking at ur face" Nako muttered in a low voice
"What did u say?" Hiichan asked confuse
"Nothing, I LIKE UR CUT G" Nako said while slaps Hiichan head not to hard
Eunbi managed to stops them by saying
"Okey that's it enough kids I don't want anyone to hurt"
"Okay now lets go home kids I wanna get some SLEEP CUS IM TIRED"
"Ugh me too" Wonyoung said

"Ya Hyewon lets gooo i wanna buy some breads at the lobby" chaeyeon said while standing next to Sakura
"UNNIE WAIT-"Minju didn't even finish her sentence cus she got dragged by Chaewon 👀

It's just Yena and Yuri left in the room while they are still packing things before leave the room
"Yena unnie, are you done?" Yuri asks softly
"Y-yea u go first" yena replies with a cold voice
"Unnie are you okay?" Yuri asks
"Just go to your hyewon or wtv"yena replies cus she still can't get the scene yuri and hyewon earlier out off her head
"ttss why are you so suddenly like this!?" Yuri asks annoyed
Yena just kept quite. As yuri was about to leave, she accidentally slipped but yena catches her and accidentally pinned her on the wall 👀👁👄👁

"Are you okay?" Yena asks her worriedly
"Umm y-yea" yuri was blushing cus their faces is literally inches apart
Yena realize that what is she doing with her, and then proceed to let go of her hand walks away from the room.
"Why am I shaking?" Yena asks herself as she walks towards the elevator leaving the blushing girl behind

Hope it entertains y'all

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