Chapter 18

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Trigger Warning: Depiction of Violence and Gore, Panic Attack

You woke to a nurse scolding you, they didn't like that you had slept next to him all night. Aaron was quick to defend you, letting the nurse know that he was fine, and that he had asked you to. The doctors did tests on him, checking his wounds and fractures. Luckily, he only had a few fractures, some in his face and a few in his ribs.

When the sketch artist came to get a description from Aaron, you left the room, calling Rossi to update him.

"Hey kid, how's he doing?" Rossi asked, skipping a formal greeting.

"Good, he's just a little sore. They did a few additional tests this morning, and changed his bandages. The sketch artist is with him now." You told him, hearing his content hum at your words.

"Did you guys come to a decision on living arrangements for the protective detail?" He asked you, having a feeling he already knew the answer.

"Yeah, we're going to stay at his house. We'll probably swing by my place today, before going to his. He's getting discharged today." You said sheepishly, a smile spreading across your face at the thought.

"Okay, I'll let Erin know. You need to let me know when you're leaving, so we can have a team ready to search your apartment. You also need to meet your WITSEC Marshal, I'll let him know that he's starting today. He'll be at the hospital soon, his name is Trevor Stevens. Like always, check his badge and creds before letting him in the room." Rossi explained what to do, knowing that you already knew most of the information. He needed to feel like he could do something, after feeling so powerless the past 24 hours.

"Of course, Rossi. I have my gun and badge with me as well. Aaron's creds are here too." You told him, "Thanks, Rossi."

"Anytime, kid."

He hung up, probably going to work on the case more. Glancing into Aaron's room, he waved you in, letting you know he was done.

The artist was finishing up a few details. He was facing towards you, so you couldn't see what he had drawn. When he was done, he held the pad up, letting you look at the woman.

The stone cold eyes of Briza Vazquez were staring at you. You'd never forget that face. Never.

A gasp left your mouth, Aaron's head turning to look at you. He thought you might recognize her, but he didn't expect such a shocked reaction.

"I know her, from college. That's Briza Vazquez, she went to school with me at Yale." You told them, grabbing your phone to call Rossi again.

Aaron stared at you, dumbfounded, listening to you speak on the phone.

"Rossi, our unsub is Briza Vazquez. She went to Yale with me, and we have a history." You said, listening to Rossi's response and then ending the call.

You thanked the sketch artist, and told him to get the picture to the BAU. Once he left, you turned to look at Aaron, waiting for him to speak. His mouth was slightly open, a confused and shocked look on his face.

"Go ahead, Aaron. Just ask the question." You sighed as you spoke.

"How do you know her?" He asked quietly.

"We went to Yale together, she was a friend. We haven't talked in years, so I'm not sure what brought this on." You told him, skipping over the finer details.

"Yes, but how do you know her? You told Dave that you have a history with her." He said, looking at you expectantly.

"We haven't exactly had this talk yet, but I'm sure you know that I'm not straight." You started to tell him, "I dated Briza for a few months in my junior year at Yale. We didn't have a lot of shared interests, and she didn't appreciate that I spent a lot of time working. We drifted apart, and eventually I broke things off."

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