Chapter 13*

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Warning: Sexual Content

After the stunt you pulled in his office, you had to keep your distance from him for a bit. It had been over a week since you were in his office, the team getting pulled into a very long case that day. You guys had to fly out to LA, there was a man killing during the rolling blackouts. The long jet ride had just started, and it was eerily quiet. Morgan was sitting with a vacant expression in the furthest corner of the jet, the cut on his forehead taped up. You knew it was unlike him to sit awake on the jet like this, but he had a hard time with this case. On the other end of the jet, Spencer and JJ sat on the couch, JJ's feet in his lap. You sat in between Emily and the window at the table, across from Aaron. Rossi was sitting with his eyes closed next to the couch. 

You had your knees tucked up to your chest, facing Emily. You guys were in a deep discussion about what you planned on doing when you got home. After a while, you guys had made a plan to go shopping with all the girls, Emily texting JJ and Penelope the plans. The tensions had finally settled between Emily and JJ, and they were back to being friends. You felt your phone vibrate, and you reached to grab it from your pocket. Once your plans were finalized, Emily got up to go stretch out somewhere to sleep. 

Looking around, you saw that the team was either sleeping or looking in the opposite direction, so you quickly changed sides of the table, sitting next to Aaron. He was writing details down about the case in a file. You didn't want to disturb him, so you carefully set your head on his shoulder, watching him work. He moved his arm to wrap around your waist, pulling you closer to him. You inhaled deeply, his pine cologne filling your nose, the smell comforting you. 

"Hey, y/n?" Hotch asked, pulling you from your trance.

"Yeah?" You responded, trying to figure out what he was going to ask. 

"Would you like to go to dinner with me tomorrow night?" He asked you. A smile formed on your face at his question. "Absolutely, I do." You told him, laying your head back onto his shoulder, letting him get back to work. 

The sound of his breathing and the scratching of his pen unintentionally lulled you to sleep. When Hotch noticed you sleeping, he set his pen down and shifted in his seat, carefully letting you fall on to his chest. As carefully as he could, he slipped his blazer off and draped it over your body. His other arm wrapped around your waist under his jacket, his head sitting on top of yours, smelling the lavender shampoo in your hair. 

The feeling of the wheel hitting the tarmac, woke you and Aaron. You wanted to savor the feeling of being in his arms, but the team was also waking up. Against your wishes, you peeled yourself off Aaron, going to sit on the other side of the table again. Looking around to see if anyone caught you, you only saw Emily with a happy smile on her face. She tapped her phone lightly, signaling you to check your phone. 

Opening your phone, you saw Emily had sent you a few images. Clicking on them, you saw pictures of you and Aaron cuddling, a smile forming on your face. Apparently, she had started taking pictures when you first moved to his side of the table. Your favorite was the picture of when he asked you out to dinner, you were both smiling and looking at each other, it looked like it was meant for a Christmas card. You quickly save the images, not wanting Aaron to see. 

Emily expected you to be mad or angry, but when she saw you smile, she knew that whatever you and Hotch had was special. 

Once the jet had stopped moving, the team made their way of the plane, bags in hand. The SUVs hadn't moved since you guys had left over a week ago. You, Hotch, Emily and Rossi got into the first one. JJ, Morgan, and Spencer got into the second one. The drive back to the base was quiet, seeing that it was 9pm and you guys had just spent over four hours on a plane. In the garage, everyone went to their separate cars, saying goodnights to one another. 

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