05 | Chapter Five
February, 2015 | Harlem, New York
I had been waiting at Harlem Tech for almost an hour now.
I had asked around and there was a Samantha who went there, and she did sell Girl Scout Cookies. She was going to be at the Cafe at two o'clock according to what her Instagram stated. It wouldn't hurt for me to look for her and ask about this Grasshopper man. It was nearing two o'clock now, so I pulled my satchel over my head and began heading towards the Cafe. I knew what Samantha looked like according to her Instagram, and she didn't look like someone who sold Girl Scout Cookies. She was in a Rock Band and had a plethora of tattoos. I wasn't judging though, I just needed my answers. I locked the car door behind me and headed towards the Cafe. I doubt that it would be full for it was snowing. It was sticking to the ground sorta kind of and a lot of classes were cancelled. I guess Samantha really wanted to sell her Girl Scout Cookies.
It took me a minute to find her in the cafeteria. Not because it was packed but because she was sporting a ombre wig instead of her normal choppy black hair that she had on Instagram. Biting my lip, I headed towards her. She wasn't alone. She was with a guy and unfortunately, it wasn't Grasshopper. Just a regular black dude that seemed as if he was trying to purchase something from her.
"Samantha?" I questioned once I was closer.
She popped the gum that was in her mouth loudly as she looked at me up and down. "I thought I told you bitches I go by Sam?" She questioned. I took a step back. "Well, Sam." I stated, my attitude obviously peeking through. She pursed her lips. She took one loud smack before fishing around her bag. She pulled out a Samoa's box. "That's about eighteen ounces in there. Good for a month depending on how you smoke it. Fifty dollars." Samantha stated. I rose an eyebrow. I peeked into the box and it wasn't cookies, but weed. Marijuana to be exact. I shoved the box back in her hand.
"I don't smoke, and I'm not trying to buy. I wanted to ask you a question about Grasshopper." I stated already getting aggravated.
She rose an eyebrow.
"Grasshopper?" She question.
I cursed underneath my breath. "The tall white dude with dreads. He handed me a box last week saying that you sent it to me." I responded. Samantha tapped her chin. She snapped as if a light bulb had lit up in her head. "Aha! Tyson. Yeah that white nigga. He use to be a drummer for my band: Lightheaded, check it out on Soundcloud if you want. He's a punk now. What was in the box?" Samantha questioned. "Just papers. Of my past life. I wanted to know if you gave it to him or..." I trailed on hoping that she got the gist of it. She pulled out the gum from her mouth, placing it in the hand of the dude that was still standing next to her.
"Well, I didn't tell him to give you anything. But Tyson's a creep. He knows a lot of thing. I mean, he has past life that no one really knows about. I wouldn't be surprised if you and him crossed paths before. He's everywhere." She stated.
She paused, taking the tip of her long manicured nails and putting it into her mouth.
"Well, where are you from?" She asked.
"Compton. Sunny Hills to be exact." I stated.
Samantha shrugged.
"I don't know if he's been there but I know he's like, everywhere. He's a bitch though. He's nothing for you to worry about. It's his brother, Nyson you should stress about. But he's all the way in Brooklyn and he rarely makes drives here." Samantha stated. That didn't answer any of my questions. At least I knew that Samantha (or Sam) didn't know anything about Reid. "Do you know where I can contact him?" I questioned. Samantha snapped her fingers and the dude next to her pulled out a sticky note from his pocket, along with a pen. Samantha bent over and scribbled something down on the blue sticky note.