Can't help falling in love with you.

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Y/n's pov:

I woke up in a strange place. It was dirty and dark. It looked like an abandoned building. I was tied to a chair with blood dripping from my nose. I was struggling to get out when the door opened revealing a slim figure. He walked towards me and sat down on a chair in front of me.

"How are you feeling, princess?"
I knew this voice, it was Alexandre Diallo.

"Alexandre? Why are you doing this? Why did you take me here?" He just laughed.

"Oh Y/n Y/n. Quit your act now. I know who you are." He said as I smirked.

"So you know..."

Kaleb's pov:

It's been 3 hours since Y/n was kidnapped. I know that Alexandre is behind this. I had arranged a meeting for the mission to rescue Y/n. Jackson spoke.

"We know where Y/n is. At his old warehouse, the one we burned down."

"Good, do we have any idea how many men are with him?" I asked.

"Judging by his attack on the Rossinis, I believe he has a lot of men."

"So how do we get her out?"
Jackson was about to say something when my phone rang.

"Excuse me. Jackson, you go on with the mission. Explain the details to them, I'll be right back after a minute."
I head out with the phone on my ear. It was an unknown call.

"Hello Kaleb." I clenched my teeth together.

"Diallo. Where is she?" I said in a cold tone.

"Oh, you mean Y/n? She's perfectly fine... with me."

"What do you want... tell me and I'll give it to you. Just return her unharmed to me."

"If only it was that easy... what I want, Kaleb is you. I want to kill you."

"Whatever, I'll be there."

"Alone and not with your men. If I see them, I will hurt her."

"You won't need to hurt her because I will be there alone."

"I'll be waiting for you."
He said as he cut the call.

I entered the meeting room again as I interrupted Jackson.

"I know how to get her. Don't attempt to follow me our you'll pay with your lives."
I said as I got into my car and drove off.

I reached the warehouse as I took out my gun and put it in my back pocket. Armed men approached me as they took me to Alexandre. I entered a dark room where Y/n was tied to the chair and she was unconscious. But before I went to her, a voice spoke causing me to stop in my tracks.

"Surprising, I never thought you would come for this cheap girl. You really traded your life for hers."
He clapped his hands.

"I'm here, now let her go."
I said furious.

"Hold on... not so fast. Let's have a chat first. About how you first met Y/n."

"You don't need to know that." I said.

"Tell me or I'll shoot her."
He said pointing his gun towards Y/n's head.

"O-okay... put the gun down first. I met her first when I almost hit a kid."

"Oh Kaleb... wrong answer."

"What do you mean? It's the truth."

"Y/n, you want to do the honors?"
He said as Y/n woke up from her chair smirking. Wait, wasn't she tied up? How did she get up? And why is she smirking? A lot of questions wandered in my head when she spoke.

"Oh babe... I really didn't think you'd sacrifice your life for me. What a fool you are."
She said laughing. S-she was part of this?

"Y/n, but why? Why did you do this. We had a perfect life waiting for us."

"Perfect for you but not me. Have you ever thought about how I felt? You have Jackson, your father, Rosette, Dominic and the others. You had the perfect life I've dreamt of. A perfect family. But you threw it away all for a silly girl." She laughed.

"But, we loved each other..."
I said as my heart ached.

"Correction, you loved me and I didn't."
She smirked.

"What did I ever do to you?" I asked.

"My name is Y/n. Y/n Giorgio and I'm 21. Click any memories?"

That name... it somehow sounded familiar. Like a name I have heard before when I was young. That man...

My face dropped as I realised.

"You're the daughter of Enzo Giorgio, the traitor!" I looked at her wide eyed.

"Oh shut up. My father was not a traitor. It was someone else and my innocent father got framed for it. And because of this, my mom was in the hospital. You, Kaleb and your father took away everything I loved."
Her voice got louder as she clenched her fists... but she also looked... broken.

"And who is the someone else?" I asked.

"You know it. You don't want to tell me who it is because you want to protect him."
She said getting a little pissed.

"No I don't. If I knew who it is, he would've already been dead by now."
I stated.

"That's enough. Boys, tie him up. We'll do this the hard way."
I was tied up to the chair Y/n was in before.
She walked up to me and sat on my lap. She kissed me passionately. But then she started to bite my lips causing them to bleed. She licked the blood and stood up.

"I love the taste of blood."
"Babe, I don't intend in killing you. I just want to know who the real traitor was. Just say the name and I'll disappear from your life." She said looking into my eyes. I laughed.

Kaleb's pov:

"Y/n Y/n. You thought I didn't know about you. What do you expect from a leader of the Rossini Mafia? Huh? That I would fall for a pathetic girl. You? A 17 year old high schooler?"

Her expression immediately changed trying to process what I had just said.

"But how...? This can't be.."

"You are my girlfriend, Y/n... I saw the way you held a knife when you were cutting fruits. They were like mine when I tortured people. So of course I did a background search of you. And guess who I found? Your mom."
Kaleb suddenly took out his gun, he had untied himself while we were talking. Smart asshole. He pointed it at Alexandre and shot him twice. Alexandre's men were going to attack him when Jackson arrived with his guards as they shot each other. Bullets flew from both sides as bodies dropped down.

I stood there frozen, somehow I was rather sad than angry. So, he never did love me. I took a deep breath before I ran towards my car. I had to get out of here. But a voice stopped me right before my car.

"Y/n, stop there or I'll shoot you."
Kaleb spoke coldly as I turned back to face him pointing a gun right at me.

"The same to you."
I said as I pointed my gun to him too.

"Just come with me and I won't shoot you."
He tried to negotiate with me. He really thinks he can get me to agree..

"I know you won't."
I said as I quickly hopped into my car, driving off leaving Kaleb behind. I'm sorry but I will do everything to find the real traitor, I do care for you Kaleb. A lot more than I should...

Kaleb's pov:

Y/n Y/n, you can only escape from me this once. But the next time, I will get you and I will make you love me the way I love you.
Thank you for reading!!! Don't forget to watch the above video for goosebumps...

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