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𝟢𝟢𝟥. 𝗀𝗋𝖾𝖾𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌


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THE SMELL OF THE Weasley's Wizard Wheezes filled the blonde's nose

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THE SMELL OF THE Weasley's Wizard Wheezes filled the blonde's nose. The sweet chocolate smell was overpowering but the citrus scent that hinted with it made the smell bearable for the girl.

Calista and Alias jumped around with the shop, picking up some sweets so Davina could pay for them.

"Here," Davina said as she handed the Weasley twins the money for the sweets her siblings picked up. "Keep it," Fred told the girl, she furrowed her eyebrows at him.

"Our favourite customers get them for free," He replied back to the girl, the little ones eating their sweets calmly in the corner of the stairs.

"Thank you for that, and for taking care of the twins. I couldn't bring myself to take them back to the house," Davina told them. Not even calling it home, it was only a place of destruction and heartbreak.

"It's our pleasure," George said.

The shop then soon became crowded, the shouts of excited children filled Davina's ears as she covered them slightly to not do any damage, wondering how the twins could deal with this every day.

Fireworks whizzed around the room, Calista and Alias upstairs with Angelina as they were bound to get lost downstairs or do something mischievous.

Davina blamed that on handing around with the Weasley's twins too often but she knew that Calista and Alias were just too hyper and well, children. But, then again it's always funny to see the worried faces of the twins when she tells them it's their fault.

"We're going," Ron said as he laced his hand with the girl who was wandering around the shop, squeezing it for comfort.

They walked out of the shop before a kind voice could be heard. "Hi, Ron," Lavender Brown said to the ginger as the two walked towards the exit and entrance.

"Hi," Ron's replied quietly and nervously as they walked out of the shop.

The fresh air hit Davina and she finally took a breath, her nose not burning from the sensation of the overwhelmingly sweet smell of the shop.

"How are Fred and George doing it? Half of the Alley's closed down," Hermione pointed out and she was right.

Davina looked around the street, noticing that the Weasley's shop was the only bright and cheerful shop in the whole Alleyway. Plus, it is one of the open and successful shows on the street.

"Fred reckons people need a laugh these days," Ron told Hermione as the four of them inched down the streets.

"I reckon he's right," Harry told Ron before they had come to a sudden stop. "What's wrong?" Davina asked.

UNEXPECTED ,  𝗋𝗈𝗇 𝗐𝖾𝖺𝗌𝗅𝖾𝗒²Where stories live. Discover now