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𝟢𝟢𝟦. 𝗈𝗅𝗅𝗂𝗏𝖺𝗇𝖽𝖾𝗋𝗌


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DAVINA CAST HER EYES upon the closed and abandoned shop Ollivanders

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DAVINA CAST HER EYES upon the closed and abandoned shop Ollivanders. A bright memory of where she has gotten her way which consisted of cherry wood with a Phoenix feather core.

"Oh, no. Everyone got their wands from Ollivander's," Hermione said before the four interested teens walked into the building, the slightest move made loud and echoed in the shop.

It wasn't welcoming as it used to be before. The familiar yellow glow from the lights but now it was covered with an darkness.

"Harry?" Ron's voice broke the silence of the four as he stared out the window. "Is it me or do Draco and Mummy look like two people who don't want to be followed?"

Everyone ended up at window from Ron's words, watching as Draco Malfoy looked around with his mother nervously before they started to walk.

They started to follow him, out of curiosity. Davina hadn't like the plan to follow him, she wanted to respect his privacy but Hermione insisted she followed along. Davina soon complied.

The pathway was dark only lit by single lights in some spots, a guy leaning against the wall whispering words into it that nobody could quite tell what.

They soon stopped at a shop Borgin and Burke. Trying to get their best view but it wasn't working so Harry came up with a brilliant idea to climb onto a roof, in which they did.

Davina watched Draco touch some sort of cabinet. Though she couldn't quite tell what it was, it was interesting.

Davina felt a hand drag down her shoulder, once she had dazed out trying to locate her mind on what that cabinet may be someone found themselves at the window and staring out.

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"Quibbler?" Luna's optimistic voice could be heard as Davina stood out in the hall talking amongst others

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"Quibbler?" Luna's optimistic voice could be heard as Davina stood out in the hall talking amongst others.

"I'll have one," Davina said and Luna handed her a quibbler. "Thank you, Luna," Davina said before making her way towards Harry's compartment who had himself, Ron and Hermione inside.

Davina stared down at the sheets before feeling her body hit someone else's. "Sorry," they both said at the same time.

Davina looked up to see a stunning blonde women standing in front of her, eyes brighter than the blue sky outside as a smile turned on her lips.

"It's my fault, I should have seen you coming," Davina looked at her tie and noticed it was yellow for Hufflepuff, just like herself. "I was reading," Davina insisted it was her.

"Fine. I'm Anastasia 'Anya' for short," The blonde said as she held out her hand. "Hi, Anya. I'm Davina," Davina introduced as she shook the hand of the girl.

"Pretty name."

"You too."

And with that interaction, Davina and Anya left each other and headed their separate ways. Davina opened the compartment door to silence between the pair and Harry not being there.

"Where'd he go?" Davina asked as she placed herself down on the seat in front of Hermione and Ron, placing her legs up in between them.

"To see if Malfoy is a Death Eater," Ron said as he played with the frills on Davina's socks before tracing circles on her bare legs.

The train came to a stop and Ron had to awake the sleeping girl who was covered by his jumper. "Sorry," Ron said, sorry he had to wake her peaceful sleep, he helped her up and placed the jumper over her body.

It was large on Davina's thin body but it was tighter on her waist and thighs due to them being thicker. "Where's Harry?" Hermione asked.

"He's probably already on the platform. Come on," he said to Hermione as the three began to walk off of Hogwarts Express.

They stepped onto the concrete floor and the cold breeze hit Davina's body which had woken her from her sleepy state. Thankful she has Ron's jumper to keep her warm.

UNEXPECTED ,  𝗋𝗈𝗇 𝗐𝖾𝖺𝗌𝗅𝖾𝗒²Where stories live. Discover now