Ch 30: The Sins of the Father

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~A Few Nights Later~

My P.O.V

I'm standing next to Arthur, and all the new knights stand up, Uther says "you've been accorded a great honor, with that honor comes great responsibility from this day forth you are sworn to live by the knights' code. You have pledge to conduct yourselves with nobility, honor, and respect, your word is your scored bored, you will find no one who better embodies these voices then my son Arthur and princess Madelyn. Follow their example and you will be proven yourselves worthy of your title." We hear swords clanging and a knight enters and he/she has a helmet on so we can't know who it is.

Arthur's P.O.V

I take out my sword and so does Maddie, we stand in front of the new knights and the knight walks towards us, he drops his gauntlet. Maddie is about to pick it up but I grab it, I say "I accept your challenge, if I'm to face you in combat, do me the courtesy of reveling your identity." The knight takes off his helmet and we see a girl and I'm surprised. She says "my name is Morgause," and she takes off, my father says "you can go, Arthur, please stay behind," Maddie looks at me and Morgana grabs her wrist, she whispers something to her, she nods and they leaves.

~The Next Day~

My P.O.V

I stand next to Uther while Morgana stands on his other side and Arthur enters the arena and we clap. Uther says "the fight is by the knights' rules and to the death," we sit down, Arthur puts on his helmet and Morgause gets ready and they start to fight. Arthur disarms Morgause and he allows her to grab her sword and we clap, Morgause trips him and Arthur goes down. She disarms him and she's about to stab him but she whispers something to him and he nods, she helps him stand up and everyone claps. Arthur looks at us and Uther leaves, I smile at him and I head towards my chamber.

~The Next Afternoon~

Gwen's P.O.V

Someone knocks and Maddie says "come in," Merlin enters and she says "what's going on, Merlin?" Merlin goes up to Maddie and he whispers something to her, she nods and they whisper back and forth. Maddie says "thank you, Merlin," he says "no problem," she nods and he leaves us. I say "is something wrong, my lady?" Maddie says "Merlin, just told me that Arthur is confined to his chambers, because of an argument he had with Uther," and I nod. Maddie sighs and she says "thank you, Gwen," I say "my lady," I bow and I leave her.

Morgana's P.O.V

I look at the bracelet that Morgause gave me, someone knocks and I say "come in," Maddie enters and she says "Morgana, can we hangout," I nod and I say "of course," she looks at my bracelet and she says "it's pretty," I nod and I say "Morgause gave it to me," she looks at me and she says "take it off please," I look at her and I ask her "why?" She asks "do you trust me?" I nod and I say "with my life," she nods and she says "then give me that bracelet Morgana, it has magic," I gasp and I say "but it helped me sleep at night." She looks at me and she says "give me a second," I nod and she leaves me. After a second, she comes back and she says "this should help you with your sleep," I look at the bracelet and it's beautiful, I say "are you sure?" She nods and she says "it will help trust me Morgana," I nod and I hand her the bracelet Morgause gave me and she puts it away. She looks at me and she says "don't trust Morgause, Gina, she gives me a really bad feeling." I nod and I say "okay, I won't trust her, Maddie. I promise," she nods and she says "promise me you won't take it off," I nod and I say "I promise," she smiles.

(Morgana's Bracelet )

(Morgana's Bracelet )

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~At Night~

My P.O.V

I'm outside I get on Blazer, I wait for Arthur and Merlin to show up, once they do I look at Arthur's face and it's dirty and I say "what happened to you?" He point at Merlin and he says "ask him," Merlin explains to me what happened and I start to laugh. Arthur gives me a look and I smile at him and we take off. After a while, the sun comes out and Merlin starts to explain to us how this is a bad idea and then we see Merlin fall off his horse because something hit him. Arthur and I get off our horses and I take out my sword and so does Arthur, we start fighting Odin's man since we're on his land. I see Merlin use his magic to save Arthur by making a tree branch fall on one of them and once we're done Arthur looks at Merlin and he says "don't worry, Merlin, we'll deal with this, you lie there, make yourself comfortable."

Merlin's P.O.V

Maddie puts her sword away and she comes up to me and she helps me stand up, she whispers to me "you did a good job, you saved Arthur," I smile. I explain to them why we should go back to Camelot and Arthur says "you can go back if you want to I can't stop you." I explain to Arthur how he knows nothing about Morgause and Maddie says "Merlin, stop," I sigh. We set up camp and Arthur explains to us why he's doing this and it's because he wants to know about his mother and Morgause says that she knew her.

~The Next Day~

My P.O.V

We get on the horses and we let Arthur's horse lead us and we see a river, his horse keeps on walking on the river and I follow him, we go through a waterfall and we go through a tunnel. We stop and we wait for Merlin and once he gets here Arthur starts moving again and we follow him and we get off our horses, we see a way into the broken down castle and we enter it. Morgause shows up and she explains to Arthur what to do and he does it and once he proves himself she says "you are a man of your word, so I'll grant you a wish, what of you wish for?" Arthur says "I want you to tell me about my mother," Morgause says "I can do more than that, follow me," we follow her and we see that she leads us to a place full of candles and I know what she's going to do.

Merlin's P.O.V

Arthur tells us what he thinks about magic and I'm not surprised that he doesn't think that all magic is evil because of Maddie. I warn Arthur that we don't know why she's doing this and he ignores me, Maddie says "Arthur, whatever, your mother tells you no matter how painful it is don't let anger control you." Arthur says "I won't," she nods and she steps back Morgause explains to Arthur what to do and he does it. Morgause starts to chant a spell and after a bit everything slows down and we see a woman with blond hair appear. His mother says how proud she is of him and she explains to him why he's not suppose to feel guilty but his father does. Once she is done explaining to him why I'm shocked, she goes up to Maddie and she says "thank you, for being their for Arthur your perfect for him, you have my blessing in marrying each other," she hugs my twin and she goes back to Arthur and she says "don't lose her, she is a special one along with her brother."

(Ygraine Pendragon)

(Ygraine Pendragon)

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My P.O.V

Queen Ygraine leaves us and Morgause explains to him how he must feel about being betrayed by his own father. She leaves us and Merlin says "are you all right?" I say "Arthur, remember what I told you, before you talked to your mother." Arthur ignores me and he looks at Merlin and he says "fetch the horses we're returning to Camelot," he grabs my hand and we leave him. Once we see our horses we get on them and we take off and we head back to Camelot. After a while, we finally get there and we get off our horses and the guards grab them.

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