8. Predators and preys

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Jake's blood froze in his veins. Like dead, his eyes stared at the hawk which played a grin over his beak. The bird showed no fear, no mercy, no feeling for the petrified snake.
Suddenly there was a movement behind the hawk.
The hawk looked back. A rodent wanted to pick up his fallen hat which he had lost while hiding. When the hawk's eyes met him, he stopped and raised his hands.
"Never mind", the rodent cried and ran back into his hiding place.
The hawk didn't feel like to eat something small to fill his stomach.
But when he was looking ahead, the place was empty in front of him.
His glance caught the end of the snake disappearing around a corner between the houses.

Jake could feel how the hawk took a run-up and followed him with moving wings. He screamed with fear when the hawk passed the houses and damaged the house walls with his long, strong wings. The rattlesnake slithered like crazy between the old houses. He didn't pay attention where he jumped about, his only instinct was escaping.
An old shed appeared. Without opening the door, he crashed through the wood and crossed the shed without plan and aim. Wood was splintering behind him. The hawk didn't want to let him escape.
At last, Jake reached the end of the shed. The door was still open. He wriggled through with one jump and slammed the door.
Seconds later, the hawk smashed the wood of the shed completely and looked around. Behind him, the shed caved in. But the bird didn't bother about it. With confused eyes, he scanned the area.
He had reached the most remote part of the town. There was nothing but empty sheds.
Jake pressed himself closer to the sandy ground. The house where he hid was an improvised scaffolding. Inside it was all empty, but an excavation gave him protection.
The rattlesnake held his breath when the hawk was going along the unfinished house.
Suddenly a shot cracked the silence. There was a crashing sound of wood. The roof of the unstable scaffolding house collapsed and gave free the anxious rattlesnake.
Jake couldn't understand, but then a saw Amos standing on the top of a neighbor house roof. His gun still aimed.
"There you are, monster of a demon creature."
With these words, he disappeared quickly.
Jake looked after him speechlessly. The snake stood free without protection in the excavation. The hawk looked down at the snake triumphantly, who lay there like a presented meal.
Jake shook his head slowly. This couldn't happen.
His heart was thumping away. He had the choice moving and dying, or staying and dying.
The hawk's claws tensed. His wings swung more apart.
He was ready for the final jump.
Suddenly something hit the hawk's beak after a shooting sound.
The predator cried angrily after the bullet had struck his beak.
The hawk looked to the right.
Stump stood not far away with a gun.
The hawk squealed with protest. Stump gave him one last shot on his beak.
Then he jumped away.
Without hesitation, Jake dashed to the side out of the excavation, back between the houses.
First the hawk was a little confused, but then he found back his aim and followed the snake.
Jake slithered over the floor like never in his life. Closely followed by the hawk.
Finally, Jake found himself on the main street. Quickly he ran down and looked for a place to hide. He tried to hide under a roof, but the doors were blocked. It was too late and the hawk had reached him again. Jake eluded and the gigantic hawk crashed against a house wall. The wall broke and city people who had hidden inside ran away anxiously.
The hawk forgot the snake for a brief moment and picked at an animal.
Suddenly a shot hit the hawk into the right shoulder. The predator screamed furiously and looked for the causer.
Amos put away his rifle and wanted to run into the next house. But this time, the hawk was so completely in his hunting element that he grabbed the sheriff quickly with one grab of his claws and flew with him into the sky. Some people had to watch how the hawk flew higher and higher with their sheriff. Amos cursed and his screams faded away with every inch of height.
Meanwhile, Jake had hidden in a shoe store and heard the scared voices of the people outside and screams from far away. Jake pressed his head deep into his coils.
Let me wake up! Let me wake up! He begged.
Suddenly a shouting, long scream. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!"
A bump thud followed and silence fell.
No one dared breathe for a heartbeat moment.
But shortly afterwards, silence switched to afraid cries. People ran in all directions.
By the time the hawk had realized that the snake was gone and circled very close around the city roofs.
As fast as they could the animals searched for a place to hide again. The hawk looked around and couldn't decide which of the animals he should take instead of the snake.
Suddenly he found a moving single spot.
The rabbit boy screamed for his ball which he had lost while running.
Meggy's scream petrified Jake. But just for a brief second. He left his hiding place and dared a look outside.
Portley let fall the ball when the hawk descended rapidly himself and reached out his claws.
"MUUUMM!" Portley screamed and ran down the street.
The hawk proceeded to attack and swung his wings wildly.
There was just one inch for the bird to grab the rabbit with his claws until a big shadow appeared and grabbed the child away. The hawk grabbed into emptiness.
Jake watched how the Gila monster with the child in his arms disappeared into the next house and slammed the door.
The hawk was more than indignant. With rage, he stared at the closed door of the house.
He lifted one foot and dug the claws in it. With a cracking sound, he tore out the door and a big hole gaped in the entrance wall. The bird peeked inside.
Jake held his breath. There was no voice.
Suddenly the bird seemed to realize a figure. He pushed forward his beak. Someone screamed. The hawk moved wildly and tried to pull out something. Shortly afterwards he dragged out a thick lizard. The Gila monster struggled like crazy and pulled with all force against his suit. At least he managed to pull off the jacket and ran back into the house. The hawk spat out the empty suit and stuck his head back into the house hole.
There were sounds of help. The hawk didn't seem to reach them, but it would be just a question of time until he would damage the house to get his prey.
Meggy was going to run to her son, but Stump grabbed her at the last second. The rabbit woman struggled, but her husband disallowed her to place herself in danger.
Jake looked around.
Next to the hawk stood an old water reservoir tower.
After a few moments of staring, he slithered along the houses quickly, always in the distance to the hawk which picked with his beak more holes into the house.
The snake circled his long body around the buttresses and squeezed. The wood splintered with quiet cracking which became louder. The hawk stopped when he heard a strange sound. He turned around, but all what he saw was a falling metal water reservoir on him.

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