9. Two corpses and one hero

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The hawk stood there with open mouth. Suddenly he jumped aside, but it was not fast enough. The metal bowl stroke his head and the bird crashed on the floor with it.
One loud smash and silence fell.
Jake lay coiled together under a roof terrace and stared ahead. After a few seconds he dared to move. The hawk didn't move anymore, and he had covered with sand, gravel and pebbles.
With time people dared to come out of their houses and went to the hawk.
"Did you see that?" someone muttered.
The toad who had stood behind the counter scratched his head.
"He killed that thing. What do you think, Doc?"
Doc the one-ear rabbit came closer with swaying steps. His head was still filled with alcohol. He had troubles to touch one toe of the hawk claw.
When he managed, he waited a while.
"Mmmh, this haw'... is dead."
He lurched aside and fell down on his back.
"Wow, he dispatched it", some people murmured.
"Friggin' unbelievable!"
"That was incredible!"
The city people surrounded the snake who was still a little distant.
Someone knocked him on the skin. "That was awesome."
Jake blinked. "No, I... it wasn't my intention. Just self-defense."
"We could cook him," a child said and tipped the hawk's foot.
Jake shook his head. "No, he deserves a grave like every one of us."
With that the rattlesnake slithered to the dead bird and wrapped the end of his tail around the hawk's feet. But after he had pulled him a few inches, another one called him.
"Mr. Jake!"
Jake recognized Meggy's voice and released the bird.
"Mr. Jake!" Meggy held her son in her arms.
"I... I can't... I don't know what to say..."
Jake nodded. "You don't have to say something."
Stump stood next to her and bared his head. "We are deeply indebted to you."
"That goes without saying."
"DOC!" A loud voice shouted.
A thick owl waved his wings wildly and pointed behind him. "It's about Amos."
The crowd ran down the street. A few meters outside of the town lay a motionless body on the floor.
Amos lay on his back. His arms stretched away from his body. Miss Daisy covered her mouth and shouted out a silent cry. The sheriff's head lay in a thick puddle of blood.
Doc just took a short look at the bleeding head. Then he turned around. "I thin' he's dead."
The men around bared their heads. Stump was fast and took the children and his wife aside. A rodent woman covered her face and sobbed with shock.
Jake looked over their heads, then he turned around.
Stump realized his disappearance first and followed him back to the bird.
"What are you doing, sir?"
"Something what I had to do the whole time. I will leave this place."
"And what about him?"
He pointed at the hawk.
"I will let him in the desert where nature will take its course."
"But sir, what about your damaged weapon?"
Jake paused for a moment. "I forgot."
Stump gave him a sign. "One second."
No long time and Stump came back with a peccary looking animal with leather apron.
"Anvil, please, could you repair his gun tail?"
Anvil looked at the snake and rubbed his hands. "It will be a pleasure for me."

Meanwhile, the most people had recovered from the horrible things of the day and pursued their everyday duties. Also Meggy had recollected herself and had gone with Chorizo to the bank.
The banker Mr. Merrimack, an old well-fed squirrel with a business suit and a golden pocket watch, was free for a conversation and guided both to a table. Meggy took a seat, while Chorizo placed himself behind her. The banker sat facing her and opened a sachet of aspirin tablets into an empty glass. With a spoon he stirred it despite there was no water inside.
"I don't rightly have no other choice, Meggy. Times being so hard, we just can't give more credits."
The squirrel took the glass and swallowed down all tablets without liquid. Nervously, he continued speaking with full mouth. "I really can't... I..."
"Mr. Merrimack," Meggy interrupted. "This here is a bank. This is where you keep the water."
Mr. Merrimack looked at her like she had told him a joke. Then he laughed.
"Ha, ha, ha. The water. I keep the water."
Chorizo cleaned his throat. "What's the problem? Or is there a problem?"
Mr. Merrimack swallowed down the last crumb of the aspirin and scratched his forehead.
"No, there is no problem... just... I... I've tried to protect you and others from certain realities. But that... well..."
"Mr. Merrimack?" Meggy asked with worried eyes while the banker didn't stop muttering.
"Realities are bearing down."
"Mr. Merrimack!" Chorizo cried.
Meggy put a hand on Chorizo's arm and the desert mouse kept silent and Meggy tried to calm down the situation. "Are you all right?"
Mr. Merrimack sighed deeply. "I need to show you something."
Together they walked to the big bank vault, which had a thick glass wall. Mr. Merrimack spun the gigantic wheel and the vault was opened.
Meggy and Chorizo stared at a big translucent plastic water container, which had filled with less than half with water.
Meggy couldn't believe what she was seeing.
"That's all that's left?" she asked quietly.
"And this here is the reserve!" the banker added.
Chorizo raked his fingers through his hair. "What should we do with so little water? It will never be enough for my land."
Mr. Merrimack avoided his glance. "I don't know if you've noticed, but folks just ain't making deposits on a Wednesday no more!"
Meggy turned around. "Mr. Merrimack, if I don't get some water, I'm gonna lose my home!"
"And my ranch!" Chorizo added.
"And what about my children? You're telling me that's all that's left in the whole town?"
Mr. Merrimack put his fingers together. "Why do you think so many people are selling out? They just can't make it."
Chorizo took a deep breath. "But Mr. Merrimack! My family owns the land for decades! They fought and died for it. We can't leave it just because of one resource like water."
Mr. Merrimack sighed. "Sorry, but I'm not a wizard. Even if I want, I can't give you credits."
There was silence a moment until Meggy interrupted it.
"Well, what are we supposed to do?"
Mr. Merrimack scratched his head. "Well, I suppose we could talk to the Mayor. I hear he's been helping people out in this time of crisis."
Both looked at him with surprise. "The Mayor?"
"He may be our only hope."

There was a concourse in front of Anvil's repair and assembling shop. All people wanted to see the snake who had killed a hawk. Jake wasn't in the mood to talk much. He answered their questions with a few words as possible as he could while Anvil was repairing the gun.
"Let the mayor through!" someone called.
Shortly afterwards, the turtle with the wheelchair appeared.
"Mr. Jake, Mr. Jake. I heard what happened."
Jake watched how the mayor rolled closer and stopped in front of him. The snake nodded respectfully. Then the turtle raised his hands. "Folks, please, allow him to enjoy quiet and relaxation. Please. Let our guest alone for a moment."
Reluctantly, the city people left the house. After the last one had disappeared Mayor John turned to the rattlesnake.
"Mr. Jake, this had been unbelievable."
Jake shook his head and sighed. "It was nothing."
"Coping with a huge bird? Definitely not."
He tapped his fingertips together and watched the rattlesnake while Anvil was working on the gun.
Jake realized his glance and glanced back. "What is it?"
"You satisfy expectations."
"Ex...? Wha-AHHH!"
Anvil lowered his face with apologize. "Oh, sorry."
The turtle petted over his chin. "What's your aim?"
"I mean, where do you want to go? Do you have a special travel destination?"
"Not really..."
"Do you have family?"
Jake avoided his glance. "Why do you ask?"
"Any duties?"
"Why these questions?"
"Yes or no?"
"Perfect for what?"
"You are the one."
"For what?"
"For that job."
"What job?"
"Mr. Jake, how you realized, we are living in hard times, and it would be a great help for us that someone gives us some help."
Jake narrowed his eyes skeptically. "What do you want to say?"
"I want to appoint you for the sheriff position. He became... well... free."
Jake wreathed his long body and Anvil got problems to continue his work.
"Mr. Jake, you have the best condition. And of course, I will pay you, well, maybe not so much, but you can get all what you need for a good life. Food, a room, we have also a nice jail."
"Mr. John, or Mayor John, as they are also called, I don't wanna be rude to you. And it's most appreciated, but I have to disaffirm."
Mayor John rolled closer with his wheelchair. "But, sir..."
"Mr. Mayor! I said, no!"
The shot echoed through the air and a big hole yawned in the house wall.
Anvil smiled. "It seemed to work again."
With apologizing face Jake shook his gun tail.
"Sorry for this."
"It doesn't matter," Anvil said. "It's on the house."
Jake cleaned his throat and became calmer. "As I said before, I'm sorry, but I can't."
Mayor John let sink his hands with disappointment.
"Mayor John, it's almost ready!" A voice called.
"Oh, is it getting late? Mr. Jake, it would be an honor for me to invite you to our traditional ritual before you leave us."
Jake wanted to protest, but then he swallowed it down. "Okay, but just one brief moment."
After Mayor John rolled outside, Meggy came.
"Mayor John! I have to talk with you."
"Not for the moment, my dear child. It's almost noon. We can talk later."
With that the turtle disappeared and left her with her worries alone.

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