chapter two

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His eyes wondered over all the students in the classroom.

He had on a dark shirt and blue jeans.

"Sit by Becca," Mrs.Ellison pointed at me.

He dropped in the desk next to me. He turned to me and looked, his eyes than stopped at the cross around my neck.

Was he a Christian or did he believe in anything?

The day move by fast and it was lunch before I even realized.

I sat down at my regular table alone, like I do every day, and as I was sitting Chase sat across from me.

"Becky, right?"

"Becca", I said with a little more attitude than I wanted.

"Okay," he said

We sat in silence for a few minutes.

"You're quiet," he said.

I nodded.

He finished his lunch and thew it away and walked off
He's nice and friendly, I thought sarcastically.

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