🦋Chapter 7: Jealous🦋

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The next morning

Third pov

It was morning and the sun was smiling beyond the windows and curtains. Everyone was in their rooms and soon the clock stroke 7:30 am. The sounds of alarms went off as members were beginning to awake from their slumber. Namjoon was first to leave his room, followed by Jin,Jhope,Jimin,Jungkook,Taehyung and finally Yoongi.

They headed to the kitchen,were they made breakfast and not too long after time went by and the members where all ready and set to head to the company once again,another day. They were now exciting the black van as some armies were present at the company, some had signed showing there love as some began aweing over them, some were doing both while some had phones taking pictures and videos of them,still aweing over them.

Not too long after they were in the building. They all headed towards the recording studio were they recorded their songs. Since they were in the making of a new album they had a lot of work to do. Not too long after they all went to the clothes designer where they would pick out outfits based on the aim and theme of the album and song. They all did their fitting and then headed to the hairdresser. Since Taehyung had already did his hair the other day,due to this he just watched the members and video some funny scenes. example, yoongi falling asleep and waking up after continuous drifts.

During the process missions were being told. Since Taehyung was the only one available at the moment, he was given the first mission. The mission stated: Try to receive compliments from two members of your choice. Mission last 10 minutes.

Taehyung thought of it as a piece of cake, seeing how everyone compliments him often and such, he found no problem in getting any now. He smiled at himself. "Let's begin shall we", he signaled to the camera

They walked into the room once again and so the mission had began and clock was now ticking. Noticing that he still was in the "Jealous Jungkook faze" and he had Jhope and Yoongi who he could work with,why not use them for the mission, he smirked at the plan.

He slowly skipped over to Jhope his first victim of his plan and so it began."Hyung~am how do I look? be honest with me?~" he whined cutely.

Jhope who was on his phone looked  him up and down and smirked. " Your mind is just as sexy as your beauty~" he winked.

Taehyung's face was now a happy smile. "your too much hyung~" he playfully spoke.

This got the attention A raven hair male in the back.

"but it's true Tae" Jhope smiled.

"if you say so Hyung"

Mission time 5 minutes.

He then made his way over to Yoongi was now wide awake, he of course was sitting beside a bitter Jungkook ." Yoongi Hyung, rate me from 0 to 10~" Yoongi turned his head. This gave him the ability to look at the younger's body from head to toe and back up again. Yoongi smirk, knowing at the younger's plan from the get go. "Just 10?" he asked. this made Taehyung nod his head in a yes motion." if it wasn't, I would have gave you infinity for that bod~" he smirked. This got the attention of the now angry and jealous Jungkook. he turned his head, eyeing the two to his left.

After having all his compliments handed to him(A/N not like they were lies though) his mission was over.He smiled happily and the members were done with their hair do. With minutes or seconds to waste Jungkook got up from his chair and walked over to Taehyung. "we need to talk" he demanded as he pulled the younger from the room and entered a different space.

Taehyung was pulled into a small room and door was shut behind,locking it from the inside. Due to the sudden impact of the shove, he stumbled a little. "What the hell-" he was cut of by Jungkook's rage, his hands slammed on the wall behind Taehyung's head, trapping him in his hold."what the hell Taehyung!" he roared.

 "w-what are you talking about?" Taehyung asked playing off the obvious reason for his rage. 

"what's with the sudden fishing for compliments ha?!" he ranged.

"what do you mean, fishing for compliments?" he continued the act.

"so you're gonna play dumb?" he asked voice still angry.

"well let me refresh your memorise anyway. why the hell are you suddenly getting clingy with the yoongi hyung and Jhope hyung? especially Jhope hyung?" he hissed

"What are you jealous with my sudden friendliness? am I not aloud to be around my members?" Taehyung rows on eyebrow.

"I never said that!"

"Then what are you saying Jungkook? what are even talking about?" Taehyung dug into the situation more.

"I don't like it when you're too clingy to the members especially Jhope Hyung... it hurts" Jungkook spoke in a more calm and sad tone.

Taehyung melt at the sudden tone and words which hurt his heart. He didn't like it when Jungkook feels sad or hurt. That was one of his weakness for him, he hated it. Taehyung wanted to hug him then and there, kiss his lips which he missed so and cuddle with him forever. He was in a world of want for Jungkook. He wanted nothing more than Jungkook to be happy but he couldn't..this was the best place and time were he could comfort the bunny boy.

Taehyung's eyes went sad at the images he remembered a yesterday. His eyes now sad. Not wanting to look at the younger he looked to the floor and spoke.

"what about how I felt when I saw you and Jimin yesterday?"

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