Chapter 35

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   The four Spartans were sitting around in silence as they looked at their weapons. The flames of the carnage the only sound to fill the silence between them all. Shepard was the first to break the ice. "So what, no one has any ideas to go after our leader? We're just gonna let them take her and do who knows what to her?" Joseph looked up and huffed. "Well it's a little hard to think of plans when our planner is the one we're trying to save." Alex placed his sniper down and stood up. "Then, I guess we're going without a plan. The best we can do is figure out where she is." Nova nodded gripping her pistol a little harder. "If we can find her, it'll be easier to help free her." The Spartans all nodded in agreement. "Well, if the Banished catch you they'll prepare for an attack, even move her." Noel chimed in as she was tailed by two other ODST's. "Let us find her, we'll tell you where she is and then you guys can be the ones to free her." Shepard and Joseph stood up and walked to her. "You don't have to do that. You guys could get killed or captured just like Aloe." Shepard said as Noel placed one hand on both Spartans. "I got this boys, don't worry. Remember she saved me too, it's the least I can do." The two Spartans sighed as Noel walked past them. She went up to Nova and placed a hand on her shoulder. "You good girl? I've never seen you this tense before." Nova jolted a bit before looking up at Noel. "I'll be fine...just find her, please." Noel took a moment and nodded with a determined look on her face.


   "Wake up little demon, we have much to discuss..." A brute pushed Aloe causing her to start coughing slowly standing up. Her hands were bound behind her back, her helmet off to the side. "Good, it seems you are a very durable demon. Much more resilient than most. It will be fun prying information from you." Aloe snarled and spit blood at the brute. "Fuck you..." She wheezed out as she tried snapping her restraints. The brute laughed and grabbed her by the neck lifting her up a bit. "A bold one too, good, I will enjoy myself." He dropped her and Aloe started coughing slumping back over. The brute continued laughing as he walked away. Aloe stayed slumped over as she listened to silence pf her cell. A pebble hit Aloe in the head. "Aloe!.. Over here!.." Aloe's head slightly tilted as she looked at where the pebble had come from. "Hey Colonel, we're gonna get you out of here in no time." Noel spoke as she lowering her head a bit more so Aloe could see her. Aloe smiled a bit and shook her head. "Just leave me here, you all need to worry about the army that's knocking on our front door..." "Nonsense, we can't beat an army without a commander. I'm gonna go tell the others where you are, then you'll be out of here." Aloe slumped back down and nodded. "Alright...just please tell not fuck this one up." Aloe smiled looking down. Noel gave a soft chuckle and went back into the air duct crawling away.

   "This is the place they're holding the Colonel. It's heavily guarded, so its a for sure they know how valuable and strong she is." Noel said pointing at a place on the war table. "The only way you guys are getting where near the building she's in is causing a scene somewhere else. After that it should be nothing but a few guards. Then and only then will you have the window of time to get her out of there. Take note, the Colonel can't fight. Whatever they have her hooked up too has drained her armors power, he suit may be bullet proof but the more squishy parts are definitely more weak spots now than minor inconvenience for her." The Spartans all nodded before Joseph tilted his head. "Telling the Colonel not to fight? I think that's gonna be the hardest part out of the entire mission." Shepard nodded in agreement. "He's right. So we're gonna have to kill everything that stays behind so she doesn't need to fight." Nova loaded her gun and stared at the base on the map. "Good...because I have a little steam to blow off." 


   The four Spartans stood before the base, each one of them loading their weapons. "Alright Noel, set off the fireworks." Alex said over his comms. Soon enough, an explosion went off in the distance. With an immediate response troops began running towards it. The Spartans began running towards the building shooting down guards. They all made their way to the holding cells. "Alright now we gotta find which one shes in." Alex said putting his sniper on his back. "I'll go with Nova and you two go down the other way." Shepard and Joseph nodded before running in the opposite direction down the hall. As Nova and Alex walked down the hall opening cells Nova began panicking more and more. "We're running out of cells, what if they moved her already? What if they KILLED her already!?" Alex turned to look at her before grabbing her shoulders. "Hey hey, Aloe is durable, I doubt brutes could leave any lasting damage on her." Nova's breathing was hitched. Alex squinted before his hand rose to place on the side of her helmet. He slowly lifted off her helmet and there stood Nova crying. She tried covering her face with her arm. "Nova...the Colonel, Aloe is one tough girl. We should be more worried about the brutes than her." "That's the thing Alex! I AM worried about her, ever since she started opening up to me! She, she's afraid...I know she is..." Alex looked down and and his hand left Nova's shoulder. Before he could respond their comms sprang to life. "Alex, Nova, we found her!" 

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