Chapter Five - An Act

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Hold me in your arms, even if I am fragile like a dream. - Alexandra Vasiliu

"Y/n?!" The dark haired boy yelled, still shining his light in my eyes. I shielded my eyes with my hand.

"Do you mind not blinding me?" I asked, stepping out of the way. He seemed confused to why I was in the middle of the woods, which was reasonable.

He turned off his flashlight, leaving us in the darkness, only the moon left a dim light on the Earth. "What are you doing out here?"

"I saw some kid run here and thought they were lost. My backyard is just right there," I pointed behind me, and it wasn't a lie. That's why I knew exactly where their hide-out was. It was in the woods behind my property. "I'm sorry if I scared you."

Gerard studied me for moment, "Don't be sorry. If anything I should be sorry for shining a light in your eyes." He laughed and I smiled. If I had to get close to him, this would be a start. "I don't think I've ever seen you smile before. . . It's cute."

Genuine blush appeared on my face, though I hoped the cover of night didn't make it obvious. "You're in my English class, right? You sit next to me?"

He nodded, smiling, too, "Yeah!" He seemed happy about me realizing this.

"You smiled at me today," I pointed out. "Your smile is really nice. . ." If this didn't work out, I think I'd have to punch Hayley in her beautiful face. My acting skills weren't top tier. "Anyway, what are you doing out here?"

Gerard paused, obviously thinking of some lie. "Well, I lost my dog, and I was looking for him out here. . . I can walk you back to your house if you want." A lost dog story?

I played dumb, "Oh no, I can help you look for your dog, it's not a problem." I felt a bit more confident knowing that I had an upper hand in this interaction.

"No, no, I don't think that's necessary." He seemed panicked that I didn't just go home. "The truth is... my friends and I have a hang out here..."

"Oh," I shrugged. "Well, if that's all, I'll just go home." Maybe if I acted like it wasn't a big deal, he'd let his guard down.

He smiled, "Really? I mean. . . Do you wanna check it out?" It couldn't be this easy.

"No, it's alright," I nod. "But, uh, I am a little freaked out by the dark, would you mind walking with me?"

"Not at all."

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