Chapter Eight - I'll Stab Ya

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I'm a person full of doubts, and I doubt that will change. - Atticus

"You invited her to sit with us?" Frank raised an eyebrow. I don't think he liked Y/n that much, but I didn't care.

I nod, "Yeah, so be nice, or I'll stab ya again." We all laughed, mocking Brendon who was apart of the Panic! Gang. He stabbed Ray with a pencil, and got sent to the principal's office, but on the way out, being dragged by the ear, he yelled 'I'll stab ya again!!'

Literally everyone in that class was laughing their ass off. He sounded so ridiculous. It had become a little inside joke in our group.

Ray changed the subject, "Here comes Gerard's little princess." I look over to where Ray was looking and Y/n was walking over. She took a seat next to me, which I purposely left open so that she would sit there.

I had to argue with Frank for like five minutes to get him to sit next to Bob and Ray instead.

She smiled up and me, and I couldn't get enough of it. "Hey."

"Hey! Uh... This is Ray, Frank, and Bob, if you didn't know," I pointed at all of them and they all waved. Except Frank who was being an angsty asshole.

She waved back, giving them a friendly smile. "Nice to meet you." For a moment I got lost in thought just smiling at her. She noticed and her hand landed on my hand on the table. This definitely shook me back to reality.

Frank shot me a smirk, and I blushed. "How is your day going?"

She shrugged, "It's alright, better now." My heart was going to explode. Why was she acting so adorable?

The boys seemed awkward and all got up. "We'll meet you next period, Gee. See ya later, Y/n," Ray waved, the two other boys nodded and followed him.

Y/n turned back to me, "How are you?"

"Great," I smiled. "Actually! In history, something funny happened. You know how we have that one college student who helps out? He flipped me off and Mr. Thompson caught him!" I began to laugh, and she laughed, too.

"Wait, what did he do to him?"

I shrugged, "He pulled him outside of the room to talk, probably was like Now Caleb, you know that's not an appropriate way to act around kids younger than you, blah blah blah."

She laughed at my impression of Mr. Thompson and leaned into me as she did. Maybe not on purpose, but my face was warming up. I never thought I'd actually have a chance with her, and I really don't want to fuck this up.

"Y/n?" She looked up at me, her beautiful e/c eyes staring into mine, and she waited for me to continue. "Do you want to hang out after school?"

Without hesitation, Y/n nodded, "Yeah, I'd love to."

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