Chapter Fourteen - I Love You

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Whenever I miss you, my heart hugs you. - Alexandra Vasiliu

After last night, Gerard wouldn't leave my head. The thought of his lips against mine made my stomach shoot out a thousand butterflies.

No matter how much I wish I could keep my mind off of him, I just couldn't. So, until Prom Night, I'll forget about having to backstab him. Because right now, I do care about him. Would it be so bad to have my secrets shared to the world?

Thinking about every little thing Hayley had on me, I suddenly felt sick. Even Gerard may not like me anymore if he knew any of that about me.

The weeks kept going by and the secrets began to add up in my journal. So many about Bob, Ray, and Frank. Yet I was so hesitant to write anything terrible about Gerard, but I made myself. I hid the journal under my mattress where hopefully no one would find it.

The group of boys invited me to their hang out, and we played cards and cracked jokes. Nothing illegal, well besides the underage smoking, but that wasn't hurting anyone besides their lungs.

Everyone always talked about how heinous their gang was, but for the past few weeks I had yet to see them do anything. So maybe people just like starting rumors for the hell of it.

Just like how in the eyes of our peers, Gerard and I were boyfriend and girlfriend, despite the fact that we weren't? Well, maybe we were. But we never mentioned it to each other.

He walked my home from school, and he was going to hang out and meet my little brother, Haden, and parent(s). I let him inside and introduced him to everyone.

Gerard kneeled down to Haden's level. "Hey, Haden. How's it going, dude?" I smiled as he interacted with him, he was adorable. Both of them were.

Haden laughed, wearing a big grin. He wrapped his arms around Gerard, and Gerard chuckled.

"Aww," I cooed, teasing him a bit. "I guess he already loves you!" I flipped onto my couch, and Gerard and Haden followed. My parent(s) were in the kitchen still keeping an 'eye out' or whatever.

He smiled over at me, "I already love him, too." Haden was on his lap, messing up his hair and laughing when he pushed it back up. He liked playing that 'game' with me, too, and it was actually adorable seeing how amused he got at things like that.

For some reason, I couldn't conceal my emotions for Gerard today. They were flooding over and needed to leave. I would take a risk for once, even if I didn't know how it would turn out.

"I love you," I said randomly while he was playing with my brother. Gerard stopped completely, and looked over at me. His black hair was messed up all over his face and I smiled.

He seemed confused, "Really?" Now I felt embarrassed, and I just nod. Gerard grinned, "I love you, too." I wanted to lean in and kiss him right then, but Haden was right there.

Haden interrupted, "Hey! Love me, too?"

Gerard and I both laughed, and he nodded. "Yeah, we love you, too, Haden."

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