• Chapter Twenty-One •

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The Surfer narrowly continued to dodge flying rocks and debris as he flew up towards the heart of the Destroyer as this was the only way to put an end to him.

But even with the speed of his board on his side, he still seemed to struggle terribly against the harsh winds within the dark clouds. He just couldn't seem to move forward fast enough. It was like the Destroyer knew he was coming and was keeping him at bay.

All of a sudden, he felt a force from behind that was pushing him forward. He turned around and saw none other than Johnny Storm, completely covered in flames and was giving him the push that he needed.

"Thought you could use a hand." Johnny said with a grateful look and he swore that he could have seen a small smile appear on the Surfer's face.

With that, the two flew forwards with the boost from Johnny helping immensely.

Back on the ground, the storm from the Destroyer had raged on while Reed held his little sister in his arms protectively as the atmosphere darkened with each passing second

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Back on the ground, the storm from the Destroyer had raged on while Reed held his little sister in his arms protectively as the atmosphere darkened with each passing second.

Susan buried her head into her fiancé's neck, bringing her body towards him as explosions combusted around them as panic began to ensue.

Ben looked around them with horror and confusion. He didn't understand, wasn't the Surfer going to stop the Destroyer? "Why isn't it working?!" He yelled over the chaos, looking towards Reed and the girls.

Reed tightened his grip on Kayla and brought Susan closer towards his body before he glanced up towards the sky, acceptance settling into his brown gaze. "We were too late." He said, accepting the fact that this was it for them.

But all of a sudden, the sky had instantly lit up in a massive flash of white light before silence ensued..

This went on for a few seconds before everything began to gradually turn back on to how it was before.

During all this, Kayla's eyes slowly fluttered open as a soft sigh escaped from her lips. Reed felt the movement in his arms and looked down towards his sister where a smile instantly took over his features as she was beginning to wake up, Susan and Ben mirroring his expression when they had noticed this too.

"Reed?" Kayla called softly as he was the first person in her line of sight. She couldn't remember what had happened except for darkness consuming her. Wasn't she supposed to be dead?

"Hey." The older sibling said with delight and let out a soft chuckle all while holding back his tears of joy as a huge weight was lifted off him. His sister was alright.

Kayla smiled at him before she began looking at the surroundings from her position in her brother's arms. The night sky was clear and glittered with stars. She could have sworn she remembered the Destroyer had arrived before she had succumbed to the darkness.

"What'd I miss?" She asked curiously with a light joke as she felt her strength come back to her.

She did get a reaction out of Reed, Susan and Ben as they started laughing softly at her small joke. Oh, Kayla Richards was definitely back alright.

As the scientist went to help the brunette up, a bright orange glow raced down towards them, making Ben turn around befor he began making his way over to Johnny as he landed. "Hey!" He called out to the blonde.

"He did it!" Johnny cheered as he looked at the sky. The Silver Surfer had saved their planet.

"Good job, kid!" The rocky man said and gave him a big pat on the back.

"Woah, woah!" Johnny exclaimed and jumped away from Ben, his eyes widening as his mind instantly went to the conclusion that they had switched powers again.

"Hey wait.." He said after a moment of realising that nothing had happened, that their powers hadn't switched before a full-on grin appeared. "I'm not changing!"

"Hey, that's right!" Ben said with a smile as he watched Johnny touch his shoulder again to see if his mind wasn't playing tricks on him. He was genuinely happy that whatever that had messed around with the young man's powers, was now back to normal again.

With an excited laugh, Johnny kissed the top of Ben's rocky head before giving him a giant bear hug which completely overstepped both his and the rocky man's boundaries.

"Alright." Ben said as he shifted uncomfortably, before he removed the blonde from himself. "Now you're making me uncomfortable."

The younger Storm sibling took an immediate step back and raised his hands in surrender. "Sorry." He apologised, realising that he had gone a little too far with his excitement.

"You wanna kiss someone, how 'bout you go kiss you girl over there?" Ben suggested and pointed towards the brunette who was pulled into a hug by Susan.

Johnny turned his gaze towards them and it felt as if his whole world had come to a stop.

There she was.. His Kayla, smiling as her brother and his sister expressed their relief that she was alive. He didn't even realise that he was standing in the middle of the street, staring at her until she met his gaze.

Blue meeting hazel.

As soon as their eyes locked, Kayla instantly removed herself from her brother and Susan's embrace with a bright smile and immediately began running towards him which he had also done.

As soon as their bodies collided, Johnny had lifted her off the ground in a tight hug, spinning them around before he buried his face into her neck.

Kayla giggled softly and tightened her arms around his neck as she relaxed into his embrace, burying her own face into his neck as tears began to flood her hazel gaze.

Pulling away slightly, Johnny stared into her eyes with unshed tears of joy. "Never do that to me again.." He pleaded. He knew he wouldn't be able to survive going through that again, let alone to live without her.

She smiled softly and stroked his cheek lightly. "You got it, Storm. As long as you don't do something reckless again." She countered.

"You know that's never gonna happen, babe." He replied with a small grin as he cupped her face between his hands.

"Can't blame a girl for trying but I can dream though." She shrugged with a teasing smirk.

Johnny shook his head in amusement. "You are something else." He said before he captured her lips with his in a passionate kiss.

As the pulled apart slightly, Kayla peered up at him with a smile. "Shall we give them the news?" She asked, biting her lip.

"Give us what news?" Ben asked as he eyed the couple suspiciously.

Johnny grinned and wrapped his arm around Kayla's waist before he stared at the rest of the team. "I asked Kayla to marry me and she said yes." He announced.

Susan shrieked in excitement and ran over to them, pulling her brother and best friend into a hug. "I am so happy for you both." She said.

"Congratulations." Reed said with a smile, hugging the newly engaged couple as well.

"Well, finally!" Ben yelled dramatically as he waved his arms up in exasperation. "But good luck for the marriage, Shortstack." He teased.

Kayla giggled at the rocky man as she placed her hand against Johnny's chest while the blonde male looked offended. "I'm not that bad." He said.

"You're right, you're worse." Ben countered with a smirk which made Johnny roll his eyes with a smile as everyone erupted in laughter.

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