Chapter 1

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{*} 'Ain't got no tears left to cry' {*}

I'm Y/n, Y/n Riddle, my mom Bellatrix Lestrange. my dad, well take a guess. Tom Marvolo Riddle, the Dark Lord Voldemort himself.

My boyfriend name is Jacob and I love him with all my heart. I don't really have any other friends cause, you guessed it, my parents. I went to an wizarding school on my 4th year but this year I was switching.,

It was still break and my boyfriend and I was on our way to the Qidditch World Cup.

We sat on the stands and it was almost done when my boyfriend went to the bathroom. He weren't back when it ended so I was on my way out when I bumped into a guy around my age.

"Oh I'm sorry" I said looking up, Harry, Harry Potter, the guy who's parents got murdered by my father, that Harry if you weren't sure.

"It ok" He said looking me in the eyes. "I uhm have to go bye" I said and rushed away from him. When I came out I saw what I least wanted to.

Jacob stood and kissed this girl. "Really Jacob, I'm not good enough for you anymore?" I said with a angered face expression.

"Actually Y/n, you never were" that's when my angry face turned sad. "And why's that?" I said holding back my tears.

"Your parents, they're evil, and so will you be Y/n" he said with a complete emotionless expression. "Well I'm not my parents, and I thought you were better than this" I said.

turning around and pushed past some people as I said sorry. Ugh why, why me. I thought as I went back to get my things from the tent.

Then the sky started to become dark and some death eaters came. Shit. I thought, I knew they were here for me.

I hid behind some things but when everything was over, I came out and saw toning and nobody. I felt something against my back, a wand,

"Oh darling, we meet again" I heard a way to familiar voice say. "MOTHER " I exclaimed as I turned around.

I held my wand at ready in my pocket. "Honey, come with me, be a death eater for your father" she said standing only a few feet from me.

"Never" I said as I took out my wand. "Oh honey, bad decision, now I have no other choice than kill you!" She said pointing her wand toward me.

"Expelliarmus" I shouted as she flew back and I ran, as fast as I could but clumsy me fell over something.

My mother came towards me and I sad on my bum and crawled back. She , once again pointed her wand towards me but I was faster and used Expelliarmus so it flew about of her hand.

I walked towards her, pointing my wand to her neck. "I have had a bad day mother, and as much as I want to take it out on you, I'm not as bad as you and dad" I said waiting for her to do something.

"Come on darling kill me, I know you want to, your as bad as me and dad" she said trying to trigger me. It kind of worked but I tried my best not to react.

"No im not!" I shouted "And m gonna give you one chance to leave, because I know you don't want me to hurt you and loose a fight to your daughter" I said using it against her.

"Fine, but I'll come back and so will your father, and your gonna regret this" she said as she vanished in the air.

I sighed as I fell to the ground and cried. I heard footsteps behind me so I stood up and pointed my wand towards them. They lifted their hand on their defends, there were a lot of them, most redheads tho.

"Hey we're not gonna hurt you, you can lower your wand" a redhead man said calmly. "Sorry" I said embarrassed as I lowered my wand.

"Are you okay?" The other man asked me. "Yeah perfectly fine" I answered and forced a smile. Ofc I'm not okay, I just got threatened and almost killed by my mother. I though to myself.

"Well I'm gonna go" I said and turned around and ran off.

Harry's Pov
(This is the same that just happened just from his point of view)

I was at the quidditch World Cup with the Weaslys,Hermione, Cedric and his dad. When it was done and we were heading out I bumped into a girl my age.

We said our apologies and she rushed out, terrified almost. When we were out I was her fighting with her boyfriend, he cheated, what a gentleman.

He said something about how she was as bad as her parents and we all just stood there and looked at each other awkward watching the whole thing.

Then she pushed past us and said sorry. When we went back to the tent to grab our things before leaving. Suddenly the sky got dark, and some death eaters came.

"BACK TO THE PORTKEY AND STICK TOGETHER" Arthur shouted at us, "Fred, George, Ginny is your responsibility!"I tried to run back but I fell and got unconscious.

I woke up not long after, but everything was a wreck, everybody else came to me but they were quiet because they saw something.

That girl, she was standing with a death eater, her mom, and they had a little, uhm, fight. We all looked at each other shocked.

Then her mom vanished and she dropped to the ground crying, I can't blame her she just got threatened and almost killed by her own mother.

We started going to her but she got shocked and pointed her wand at us, we raised out arms in defense. "We won't hurt you put the wand down" Arthur stated.

She did as told and then Cedrics dad asked if she was okay. "Yeah perfectly fine" she said, it was easy to see that she was lying. "Well I'm gonna go" she said, then she turned around and ran off. "Bloody hell" Ron exclaimed as he broke the silence.

"Poor girl" Arthur said as we went back home. Me,Hermione,Ron,The twins,Cedric and Ginny were shocked, absolutely shocked.

Heyyyy. I decided to change this story because I like this much better, sooo I'm gonna delete the other one,. Hope you enjoyed.

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