Chapter 10

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{*} Tell all of your friends that I'm crazy and drive you mad, that I'm such a stalker, a watcher, a psychopath {*}


I sat in the common room in the middle of the night writing to Sirius but I heard steps behind me so I hid the parchment and quill behind me.

"Hey, can't sleep?" It was Harry the last person I wanted to talk to right now actually.

"No" I mumbled under my breath.

"Are you mad at me or something?" He asked me looking me deep in the eyes.

"No not you just the little girlfriend of yours" I said mockingly but Harry looked mad now.

"Why do you have a problem with Cho, I love her and for once in my life I'm happy" he said raising his voice.

"Well you wouldn't believe me if I told you anyways" I shouted at him crossing my arms over my chest in the process.

"Well you are my best friend of course I would believe you" he said more calm now.

"Okay, well earlier when I told you who told me to kill myself I left out one person" I trailed off.

I looked up at his shocked expression "she didn't" he asked me "I told ya you wouldn't believe me" I said standing up.

"Wait Y/n?" He asked grabbing my wrist "what?" I asked annoyed at that twat.

"Stay here I want to talk to you" he said trying to sit me down on the couch.

"No go snog your girlfriend or something" I said pulling my wrist out of his tight grip.


"Oh a rumor, do you think it's a rumor? Well it's not and why would I want more attention, huh? People want me to kill myself, PEOPLE THINK IM A EVIL DEATHEATER WHO WANTS TO KILL EVERYBODY, how do you think I feel?" I said trying to hold in my sobs.

"I'm sorry but yes I think it's rumors, you're so self centered and is always talking about how you're not evil and feel sorry for yourself!" He said still in a loud voice.

"I don't feel sorry for myself see, if that's what everyone thinks maybe I should listen to everyone and go kill myself is that what you want?" I shouted at him trying to get up.

"Yeah Maybe you should" he said and that broke me "yeah maybe I should" I said and ran away.

I ran to the astronomy tower and sat on the railing "worthless, ugly, you should kill your self" I whispered to myself and I had a discussion with myself whether i should or should not jump.

"Stop!" I heard a voice behind me, Hermione. "Don't do anything!" I heard Ron also from behind.

I heard a lot of steps and it felt like the whole, school stood there. "Just leave me alone, you won't even notice I'm gone" I shouted at them still crying.

"Y/n M/n Riddle come back here right now!" I heard another voice say, I turned around and saw Remus.

I jumped off the railing and down in his arms, I sobbed loudly and saw really many people standing there.

Ron,Hermione,Harry,Neville,Fred,George,Luna,Harry,Dumbledore,McGonnagal,Snape,Tonks,Cho,Draco,Blaise,Pansy and they're goons.

"Can I talk to you in my office Y/n?" Professor Dumbledore asked me as I hugged Tonks also. "Y-yeah" I said looking down and following him to his office.

"Why would you do that Y/n?" He asked as we sat in his office.

"Because everyone wants me to, my life is hell and even the person who I thought was my best friend told me to do it" I said wiping my tears away from my cheeks.

"I understand but If anyone ever tells you too again come to me okay, now go to bed you'll be excused from classes tomorrow but only tomorrow okay?" He asked me as I got up.

"Yes sir" I said and wiping my cheeks once more before taking a deep breath and walked out.

I saw Remus and Tonks stand there with open arms when I got out. "Don't ever scare us like that again young lady!" Remus said kissing my forehead.

"I promise" I said looking at them both, "I have to go, I love you tell Sirius I love him too" I said giving them one last hug before going.

All the portraits whispered when I walked by about I just ignored it, "Mimbulus Mimbletonia" I said as I walked through the door.

I immediately got embraced in a group hug from my friends minus Harry who stood awkwardly besides us.

"Look Y/n, I'm so sorry I didn't mea-" Harry started but got cut of by Ron "sorry is not gonna cut it Harry, you told her to kill herself!"

"I know but I didn't mean it I was jus-" this time he got cut of by Hermione "give her time Harry, you have to understand it, she saw you as one of her best friends and you told her to kill herself!"

"Guys it's fine just, can I talk to Harry for a second?" I asked them and they went up to their dorm.

"Y/n I'm really sorry I didn't mean it and I understand if you don't want to be my friend anymore it's just, I'm finally happy with Cho and I love her so-" He began.

"Harry it's fine, I'm still your friend it was just hard to hear that from a person you thought of as your best friend" I said and I started to tear up again.

"And I'm so sorry, can I do anything for you?" He asked me wiping my tears away with his thumb, "Stay down here with me, please?" I asked and sat on the sofa.

"Of course Y/n" and with that I fell asleep on his chest.

Sorry for a really short chapter just thought it would be a good way of ending it🤪

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